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Microsoft FrontPage 2000 Server Extensions Resource Kit

Remote Administration

Activating Remote Administration on Other Servers

When using servers other than IIS, use the server's administration tool or configuration files to configure a new virtual directory for the HTML Administration Forms, and configure the appropriate security settings. You need to activate the HTML Administration Forms even if you are using the command-line remote administration Fpremadm utility. You should run the HTML Administration Forms over a secured port.

On a non-IIS Windows server, the HTML Administration Forms are installed by default in C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\40\Admcgi. Note that the Admcgi directory is different than the directory used for IIS servers, since non-IIS servers use CGI and not the ISAPI interface.

On a UNIX server, the HTML Administration Forms are installed to the /usr/local/frontpage/version4.0/admcgi directory.

In addition to configuring a virtual root and the appropriate access controls, you must grant execute permissions to the scripts subdirectory of the forms directory, in order to run the CGI application that performs the administration command on the server.

To ensure a secure connection, the following precautions are recommended:

  • Require a secured connection (such as SSL) to communicate with Fpadmdll.dll or Fpadmcgi.exe.
  • Grant access to Fpadmdll.dll or Fpadmcgi.exe using the Web server's security system. Requiring a user to log on with a secure administrator account on the Web server prevents unauthorized access.
  • Require the use of a non-standard HTTP port for accessing Fpadmdll.dll or Fpadmcgi.exe.
  • Use IP address mask restrictions to prevent unauthorized computers from accessing the HTML Administration Forms, Fpadmdll.dll, or Fpadmcgi.exe.



  Last Updated June 1999
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