Colorado NewsArticles
01/02/01 Updated
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A MISSING BILL Altercation Between a Couple of Ladies Out Shopping Rocky Mountain News, 8/9/1895 While a couple of ladies were washing their hands in the toilet room at the Flanders store yesterday afternoon, one of them--a Mrs. Smith of Gaylord Street--picked up a pocketbook and handed it to the other asking if it belonged to her. The other immediately opened it and accused Mrs. Smith of abstracting a $10 bill. An altercation of some minutes followed, in which Mrs. Smith asked to be searched, to establish her innocence of the charge, and threatened to have the other arrested for slander. When the ladies left the store they went together, stating that they were going to the police station to have each other arrested.
ARATA, Catherine/Cattarina CATHERINE ARATA'S WILL. Judge Le Fevre Declines to Admit it to Probate. Rocky Mountain News, 1/8/1895 Judge Le Fevre has decided the long contested case involving the validity of the last will of Cattarina Arata by deciding to admit the will to probate. A large amount of testimony, pro and con, was adduced in the contest, but the court inclined to the belief that at the time of making the will Mrs. Arata was not of sound and disposing mind. The would be testatrix was the mother of Daniel Arata, who was hung by a mob in the streets of Denver in July, 1893, for the murder of Samuel Lightfoot.
BAKER, Samuel T. ROMANCE OF A MINE Hero of the Famous La Plata Contact Wins a Bride as a Sequel to Discovering a Bonanza. Rocky Mountain News, 1/3/1895 A marriage license was issued yesterday to Samuel H. Baker and Miss May Roberts. Mr. Baker is the discoverer of the noted Baker contact in the La Plata mountains, and Miss Roberts has been for three years past a typewriter at the Markham Hotel. Inquiry at the Markham last night failed to locate the mining man, and friends of both persons felt confidant that the nuptial knot had been tied. The issuance of the certificate revives a pretty romance that was first heard of several months ago when it was reported in the city that the bonanza man and Miss Roberts had pledged their troth to each other and would be married at an early day. Mr. Baker is a gentlemen of wide culture and experience and his friends will extend congratulations when he comes back to earth.
BARTON, E. R. RESTRAINED BY TRUSTEE Rocky Mountain News, 9/13/1895 J. Bottom has been sued in the district court by Elias R. Barton, trustee, for the recovery of $1,945, alleged to be due Fanny C. Hough under the will of E. R. Barton deceased. An injunction was granted restraining him from disposing of the money in any way.
BURLEW, Miles R. ATTEMPTED SUICIDE. Special to the News Rocky Mountain News, 11/24/1895 GREELEY, Colo., Nov. 23.--Miles R. Burlew, who resides on Seventh Street, attempted suicide by morphine in the hallway of the Steel Block this evening. Burlew has been for several days very much down hearted. A few days ago Burlew threatened to kill himself. As Salvationist Hegner stepped out of the doorway he noticed Burlew sitting on the stairs closing his knife. A moment afterwards his attention was attracted by heavy breathing and going to the man he endeavored to arouse him. Noticing that he had in his hand a package marked "morphine", Hegner became alarmed and ran to Fezzer's Drug Store for assistance. Dr. Burr was called and used the stomach pump, but the man was so far gone that his death is looked for at an moment. Burlew has been a resident of this vicinity for a number of years and has been interest in farming. He has been living in this city since the closing of farming operations this fall.
Della Burnett Swallows and Ounce of Carbolic Acid
Two Admirers Struggle for the Possession of a Knife Which One Was Said to Have Attempted to Plunge Into Her Bosom--She Secures the Weapon, Places It in the Bosom of Her Dress and Swallows the Poison--Death After Two Hours of Acute Anguish--Arrest of One Admirer to Prevent Him from Attempting His Own Life. Rocky Mountain News, 10/21/1895 Jealousy, whisky, a knife and carbolic acid were the component features of a suicide and an alleged attempt at murder in a house at 1812 California Street last night. Della Burnett, a beautiful blonde, swallowed an ounce of carbolic acid to put a period to a life that was distasteful to her on account of the treatment she received at the hands of one of her admirers. The death was a tragic one. For fully two hours the woman endured the most acute agony. Before she swallowed the fatal dose she had witnessed a struggle between two men both of whom had been paying attentions to her. They fought for the possession of a knife which the younger of the two finally secured and gave to the woman. She closed the weapon, which was a pocket knife, and placed it in the bosom of her dress. She then swallowed the deadly poison and both her admirers forgot their strife and made such efforts as they were able to save her. At an early hour this morning Henry Fleiter, who it is alleged, attempted to kill the woman with a knife, was locked up in the city jail. Owing to his actions after the death of Miss Burnett he was arrested as it was feared that he would make an attempt to end his own existence. The other man who figures in the case is Edward Walter, who is about 20 years of age. He is the stepson of Wilhelm von Glasenapp, a saloonkeeper at 518 Eighteenth Street, and is a bartender by occupation. It was he who caused the arrest of his rival and interesting and sensational testimony will doubtless be presented to the coroner's jury when the inquest is held. The greatest secrecy was maintained by all the inmates of the house at 1812 California Street. Walter lives at the house where last night's play of death was enacted. He was asleep upon a lounge in a room adjoining the parlor about 10 o'clock when Della and Fleiter entered. The couple were quarreling and Walter heard loud voices but could not distinguish the words used. Fleiter was under the influence of liquor. The struggle in which the knife was used followed and the woman swallowed the poison. Surgeon Jarecki made efforts to save her but after struggling nearly two hours she expired.
CARBIS, Ellen, (Mrs.) NEW WOMAN IN OFFICE ALL TEACHERS OF EXPERIENCE Rocky Mountain News, 11/24/1895 Mrs. Ellen Carbis, county superintendent of schools elect, for San Juan County was born at Red Ruth, Cornwall, England, January 16, 1857. She came to America in 1866, with her mother, locating at Mineral Point, Wis., at which place she received her education in the high schools and where she resided until 1879. In August of that year she married and went with her husband to Silverton, where she has resided since. Mrs. Carbis' father died in the West Indies in 1865. He was operating for the "London Company." She is the sister of Doctor J. W. Brown of Denver, well known throughout the San Juan country.
CATLIN, Alice M. (Miss) NEW WOMEN IN OFFICE ALL TEACHERS OF EXPERIENCE Rocky Mountain News, 11/24/1895 Miss Alice Catlin, the Populist superintendent of Montrose Country, was born near the town of Sinclairville, Chautanqua County, N. Y., she received her education in the cit of Corry, Pa., graduating from the Corry High School in 1879. After teaching in country schools and in the graded schools of Corry, she accepted a position as teacher in the city of Bradford, Pa., where she taught until 1891, and went to Montrose, Colo., that year to accept a position in the high school, which position she acceptably filled. In 1894 Miss Catlin was nominated for the superintendent of public instruction, but was defeated by Mrs. Peavy. At the convening of the legislature, Miss Catlin was offered and accepted the position of assignable clerk in the state senate, holding the same until the adjournment of that body.
CHANDLER, C. H. SMITH, CORA WEDDED AT GREELEY Rocky Mountain News, 9/29/1895 Special to the News Greeley, Colo., Sept. 28.--C. H. Chandler, the senior member of the firm of C. H. Chandler & Co., contractors and builders and Miss Cora, the oldest daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Pitt Smith, were married at the home of the bride's parents, on the corner of Twelfth Street and Fourth Avenue, at 3 o'clock this afternoon. Rev. W. G. Clark, pastor of the Baptist Church, performed the ceremony. The happy couple left for Denver on this evening's train, and after a few days' visit with friends in that city, will return home and go immediately to housekeeping on the corner of Fifteenth Street and Fourth Avenue, where they will be at home to receive their friends.
CLOUGH, John A. JOHN A. CLOUGH'S WILL Widow Enjoined to Devote Her Income to Charity. Rocky Mountain News, 8/21/1895 The will of the late John A. Clough was filed yesterday. It showed the deceased to have died possessed of 1,056 acres of farming land in Maryland, and about $20,000 in money and stock in the Farmers High line Canal & Reservoir Company. His chief heirs are his widow, Adella E. Clough, and his sons, Joseph Cook Clough of Denver, and John A . Clough of Quinn Anne County, Md. Mrs. Clough is executrix of all except the Maryland property of which James and Anthony of Queen Anne County are executors. The latter is left $2,000, half for himself and half in trust for his daughter Estella. A farm is left in trust to Anthony for each of Mr. Clough's sons, and the remainder of the property is left to Mrs. Clough. The will states that as Mrs. Clough has plenty of means of her own, it is the wish of the deceased that she devote the income of the estate left her to charity; but this wish is not mandatory. After her death the estate is to go in equal shares to Colorado Seminary Trinity Methodist Church, the Colorado Conference Preachers' Aid Society and the Denver Church Extension Society. The will was witnessed by Willis M. Marshall, James R. Hicks and George W. Bailey.
COLLINS, Mrs. James
RUNAWAY ACCIDENT Mrs. James Collins of Creede Fatally Injured in Death Trap Pass Special to The News Rocky Mountain News 8/14/1895 CREEDE, Colo., Aug. 13.--Mrs. James Collins, wife of a Bachelor miner, and Mrs. Cunningham, wife of Thomas Cunningham, a blacksmith of the Amethyst mine, the former accompanied by her 5-year-old son, and the latter by her 12 months baby, were driving a two-horse carriage yesterday afternoon along what is called the Death Trap, a narrow pass between the mountain and the Rio Grande, where the Denver and Rio Grande railroad runs along the county road, when thy met the noon train going to Denver, and their team became frightened and threw the occupants out. Mrs. Collins falling between the wheels was injured internally and was brought home on a stretcher and is not expected to live. The children were both thrown before the train, but escaped, the boy getting off the track himself, and the baby was snatched from the jaws of death by its mother. The boy was badly bruised on the head, but Mrs. Cunningham and the baby escaped with a few scratches and a bad shock.
Mr. Darcsok Arrested on the Eve of His Wedding. Denver Post 1/5/1895 The wedding bells were interrupted last evening at the marriage ceremony of John Darcsok, a laborer at the Globe smelter, and Fannie Baleur, in the little hamlet of Globeville. All preparations were arranged for the wedding festivities, and the bride and bridegroom and invited guests had assembled in the Catholic church at Thirty-eighth Street, when Deputy Sheriff William Arnett arrived with a warrant for Darcsok's arrest on the charge of perjury. Fannie's sister, May, had arrived from Pueblo during the day and learning of her sister's threatened marriage in the evening went to District Attorney Steele's office and asked for Darcsok's arrest, as her sister was only 15 years of age. The officer arrived not a moment too soon for the priest was about to say the words that would have made them man and wife when the officer interrupted the ceremony by reading the warrant. The bride swooned into the arms of the heartless officer and several minutes elapsed ere she recovered. Darscok was taken to jail where he remained all night unable to obtain bail. At the city jail Darscok refused to make any statement when questioned in regard to his bride's age. In Justice Caters court this morning the bride and sister were present but neither recognized the other. Judge Cater continued the case until Monday.
DARCSOK, John BOLOVER, Fannie THE GLOBEVILLE DUDE IN COURT. The Victim of Circumstance and Jealousy Appears for Trial. Denver Post, 1/5/1895 John Darcsok, the smelter man at Globeville, who was marrying Fannie Bolover a few nights ago, appeared in Justice Cater's court this morning with his sweetheart. Darcsok has employed an attorney and Fannie will testify that she is 18 years of age. Darcsok intends to prove that Fannie's sister May, interrupted the marriage ceremony simply to gratify her jealousy and have him marry her. Darcsok has a number of witnesses who will corroborate his testimony in this respect. On account of the absence of the district attorney Justice Cater continued the case until Thursday morning.
MARRIED HER IDEAL. John Dorcsok, the Globeville Beau Brummel, Made Happy Denver Post, 1/11/1895 John Dorcsok, the Globeville young man whose marriage to Fannie Bolover was interrupted last Friday evening by his arrest by William Arnett, was married last evening after his discharge by Justice Cater on the charge of perjury. The bride's sister May was jealous of Dorcsok and caused his arrest, claiming her sister was only 15 years of age. The bride testified at her affianced trial yesterday that she was 18 years old.
DEATHS DEATHS IN THE CITY Report of the Health Department for The Past Month. Rocky Mountain News, 1/6/1895 The monthly report of deaths in the city for December as compiled by the health department is as follows: total deaths, 162; Communicable diseases, 61; general diseases, 9; digestive system, 15; respiratory system, 34; circulating system, 10; nervous system, 5; genito-urinary system, 5; violence, 5; poison, 4; unclassed, r. The deaths from consumption were 26; pneumonia, 29; scarlet fever, 15; typhoid fever, 8. The deaths for last week were 18 less than for several weeks past. Six died of consumption, 3 of bronchitis and 1 of scarlet fever.
DIVORCES DESERTION AND CRUELTY One Wife Freed from an Absent Lord and Three Others Put in Applications Rocky Mountain News, 9/14/1895 One decree of divorce was granted yesterday by the county divorce mill and three new suits were filed by women who have found marriage a dismal failure. Alfonsie Gonette was married to Henry Griffin in Portland, Ore., in December 1891. After six months of married life, Mr. Griffin, in June of the following year informed his wife, so she alleges, that he was going away and should never return to her. The court granted her a decree and she was allowed to resume her maiden name. Carrie Daily filed papers alleging that she was married to Henry Daily, the proprietor of a moving van, in February last, and that they lived together at 1598 South Logan, until August 31, when she was compelled to leave her husband because of his cruelty, being literally driven from the house. She asks for a divorce and alimony. Gertrude Stapleton wants to be divorced from Frederick Hennesen Stapleton, whom she married in January, 1891, and whom she claims deserted her in February of the same year. Hattie Burton, was married to John S. Cron in Pittston, Pa., in December 1879. In her complaint filed in the county court yesterday she claims that in the last two years she has been cruelly abused by her husband and forced to leave him; that for more that a year he has refused to support her. She asks a decree of divorce and the custody of her two children, a boy and a girl.
DUBOIS, Louis, Deputy Sheriff DUGGAN, Jim, Constable HAINES, Deputy Sheriff HULL, Harry HAD A FREE FIGHT Deputy Sheriffs Drew Their Guns in a Restaurant and Lacerate One Another in Brutal Style. Rocky Mountain News, 1/3/1895 Early Monday morning there was a serious row in Wisch's Cafe at Seventeenth and Curtis Streets, and one of the fray now lies at his home with a horribly disfigured face. Constable Jim Duggan of Howze's court, Deputy Sheriff Haines of Morse's court and Deputy Sheriff Dubois of Highland and a half dozen others were in the saloon when someone started the ball rolling and there was a general fight. Guns were drawn and chairs were freely used. Harry Hull, a gambler, was struck in the face with a gun and a long gash was inflicted upon his forehead. Constable Duggan struck Deputy Sheriff Louis Dubois had a dozen terrific blows in the face with the gun, inflicting a cut over the eye that will disfigure the deputy sheriff for life. Dubois' check and lips were also cut and lacerated. The row was stopped without police interference.
DUNAWAY, Hattie L., (Mrs.) NEW WOMAN IN OFFICE ALL TEACHERS OF EXPERIENCE Rocky Mountain News, 11/24/1895 Mrs. Hattie L. Dunaway, the successful candidate for superintendent of schools in Lincoln County is the first woman elected to an office in the county. She is 31 years old, and was born in Farmington, Ill., February 27, 1864. She attained a common school education and graduated from the High School at Pana, Ill., in the spring of 1887. March 31, 1888, she became the wife of William M. Dunaway and came to Colorado in January 1890, settling in Kit Carson, where she picked up telegraphy, and for three and one-half years she held that position of operator at that place. She also filled the position of agent and operator at Aroya, Colo. At the time of the county convention Mrs. Dunaway was visiting in Illinois, and the unanimous call she received was unexpected and unsolicited. She only reached home in time to make a four days' canvas for the office to which she was elected by a very handsome majority.
DUPOE, Maud KICKED BY A HORSE Young Girl Thrown Over a Dashboard and Badly Injured. Rocky Mountain News 9/14/1895 Maud Dupoe, a 17-year-od girl residing on Welton Street, was dangerously injured by a fractious horse Thursday afternoon. The accident occurred at the Broadway loop. The horse, which was attached to a light cart, shied at a passing car, and in trying to control it, Miss Dupoe was thrown over the dashboard and was kicked several times in the abdomen. She was taken to her brother's home at 537 West Eleventh Avenue, but the seriousness of her injuries were not realized until yesterday morning. She was then transferred to her home in the police ambulance.
Hunger and Sickness Overcame a Visitor Denver Post, 7/5/1895 Joseph Dusseldorf, 24 years of age, the son of a prominent Eastern family, was found unconscious on the sidewalk near the corner of Sixteenth and Larimer Streets last night. He was brought to police headquarters in the ambulance. He told Surgeon Jarecki, after being revived, that he had just arrived from Jerome, Arizona, where he had been unsuccessfully engaged in mining. He is a sufferer from heart disease, and together with hunger and exhaustion had become prostrated on the street. After his recovery at the station he refused shelter and left to renew his wanderings.
ENSMINGER, William E. ASSISTANT, WILLIAM E. ENSMINGER, MADE CHIEF Rocky Mountain News, 1/13/1895 State Assistant Boiler Inspector William E. Ensminger occupied the chair in the Inspector's office yesterday and received the congratulations of his friends on his promotion. Late Boiler Inspector Walter Conway kept away from the city hall altogether and his mail was forwarded to his residence. Asked as to the various rumors afloat as to the cause of Mr. Conway being replaced, Mayor Van Horn said; "There is appropriation for but one officer and Mr. Ensminger being a practical machinist and familiar with the class of work was retained. All other reasons given are not so."
FAULKNER, James MARRIAGES, BIRTHS, DEATHS Rocky Mountain News, 6/30/1895 FAULKNER-DOUGHERTY- At St. Mary's Cathedral, Wednesday evening, Miss Nellie Dougherty and Mr. James Faulkner. Father Calahan officiating. The bride, a handsome brunette, wore gray albatross, trimmed in cream chiffon, and carried a bunch of cream roses. She was attended by Miss Stasta McDonald, Mr. George P. Kelly was best man. After the ceremony the bridal party repaired to the residence of the bride's sister, Mrs. P. Herne, at 1739 Glenarm Street, where a bountiful repast awaited them, in fact, the table fairly groaned under the weight of its luxuries, as all the delicacies of the season were served, and all appeared to do it ample justice after which the evening was spent in social games till a late hour, when the bride and groom repaired to their new home, 233 Twenty second Street. They received many useful and ornamental presents. Only relatives and friends were present.
FRANCIS, Harry A LOST BOY Harry Francis Wants to Find the Parents Who Deserted Him Rocky Mountain News, 1/3/1895 Harry Francis, a teamster working in West Denver, is in search of his parents. He was left on the streets of Baltimore, he says, on the night of August 4, 1870, when he was an infant only a few days old. A paper attached to a string which encircled his neck bore the name Harry Francis. A woman took charge of him and kept him until he was 10 years old, when he ran away to sea. Upon his return he found that his kindly guardian had died. He has drifted about the world, but has been unable to find any trace of his real parents.
FREIGHT TRAIN WRECKED. A Rio Grande Train Strikes a Mesa of Rock on the Track. Special to The News Rocky Mountain News, 5/27/1895 SAPINERO, Colo., May 26,--The Denver and Rio Grande west bound freight No. 251, which left this station at 8 a. m. today in the charge of Conductor Brunton and engineer Davis, ran into a slide of about twenty tons of rock which had been loosened by the rains of the past week and had fallen on the track at a point four miles west of here in Black Cannon, and 300 feet west of a sharp curve which hid the danger from the engineer until too late to stop the train, which was an unnaturally heavy one. Engineer Davis and Fireman Nelson jumped, barely in time to save themselves from going to the bottom of the river with the engine, which lies in fifteen feet of water. They escaped with only slight bruises caused by jumping on the rocks. Eight cars were derailed, two badly smashed up. The track was cleared at 5 p.m. Blame for the accident is placed with the track-walker, whose duty it is to inspect the track ahead of the train, but he had only gone two miles when the train passed him.
GARVER, Ann Priestly, (Mrs.) NEW WOMAN IN OFFICE ALL TEACHERS OF EXPERIENCE Rocky Mountain News, 11/24/1895 Mrs. Annie Priestly Garver was born at Bement, Ill., in the year 1865 and received her early education in the public schools of that place. Later, she graduated from the Bement High School. She began her career as a teacher shortly after, teaching three school years in her native state when her parents removed to Texas in which state she put in one year at her chosen occupation. Removing to this state she continued her labors as a teacher and is now filling an engagement in one of the schools of Morgan County, working her fifth year of school work in Colorado.
GEM LODE Suit for an Undivided Quarter Interest in a Clear Creek Mine Under Advisement. Rocky Mountain News, 1/5/1895 The suit of Frank Soper against Charles Stimson for an undivided quarter interest in the Gem Lode in Clear Creek County was tried in the United States Circuit Court yesterday and taken under advisement by Judge Riner. This suit has been pending since 1884 and hinges upon a verbal contract made between the parties whereby the defendant, as alleged, was to locate a claim in which the plaintiff was to have a fourth interest for certain moneys advanced. The defendant denies the existence of any such agreement, and pleads the statue of limitations in bar of the action. Oscar Reuter and F. D. Taggart appeared for the plaintiff and Attorney Morrison for the defense.
HALEY, Bridget, (Mrs.) THROWN FROM A TRAMWAY CAR. Rocky Mountain News, 9/13/1895 Mrs. Bridget Haley, living at 1220 Champa Street, fell from a Tramway car at Fifteenth and Lawrence streets last night about 9 o'clock and sustained serious injuries. Her spine was badly injured and her head was cut.
HASKELL, Emma, (Miss).
A WOMAN APPOINTED. Miss Emma Haskell of Central City to Aid Secretary Thomson. Denver Post, 1/10/1895 Secretary Thomson yesterday appointed Miss Emma Haskell, agent of the Humane Society at Central City, Gilpin County. Miss Haskell is the first woman in the state to occupy the position. Her appointment was made upon the recommendation of the leading citizens of Gilpin County. She will be deputized by the county authorities of Central City and will have full power to make arrests.
HATRAY, Emma WILLIAMSON, Anna SEARCHING FOR RUNAWAYS Rocky Mountain News, 8/22/1895 The detectives are searching for Emma Hatray, aged 14, and Anna Williamson, age 16, who ran away from their home at 1427 Twenty-seventh Street a few days ago. Anna is the daughter of C. Y. Williamson and Emma is his step-daughter. It is believed that the girls skipped out to the mountains.
HAWKINS, Francina NOT PROPERLY ADMINISTERED Rocky Mountain News, 1/6/1895 Joseph M. Brown yesterday, tendered his resignation as administrator of the estate of Francina Hawkins. Judge LeFevre ordered him to file his final report in ten days, and decided that he must pay $100 to Maggie Hurd, expenses of having the testimony taken by a referee. The latter found that the estate has not been properly administered.
HENRY, Ella, (Miss) NEW WOMEN IN OFFICE ALL TEACHERS OF EXPERIENCE Rocky Mountain News, 11/24/1895 Miss Ella Henry, superintendent of schools elect for Mineral County was born September 4, 1864 in Bradley County, Tennessee, where she resided until 1885, when she removed to Augusta, Kan., where she remained until 1885 having attended district schools from the age of 6 until 1885 when she entered the Augusta High School, where she attended for 5 years and graduated May 22, 1885. After her graduation she attend one term of the Normal School at Eldorado, Kan. She came with her parents to Colorado, who settled at La Jara, Conejos County, where she taught five terms in the different districts. In the spring of 1892 the Creede boom attracted the attention of her father and he removed his family to this place since which time Miss Henry has made it her home. She received the nomination for superintendent of schools of Mineral County at the hands of the Populist county convention and in the fifth day of November following received the highest vote of any candidate for county office on any ticket.
HOWARD, May DESERTED INFANT Drunken Mother Abandons Her Four-Weeks-Old Child Rocky Mountain News, 1/5/1895 Acting Police Surgeon Walker was called to 1860 Lawrence Street about 10 o'clock last night to get an abandoned infant found at that place. The child was about four weeks old and said to belong to May Howard, who lives at room 12, 1943 Larimer Street. After being taken to the station by the surgeon the infant was placed in the tender charge of Matron Frincke. About the first thing noticed from the future citizen was a lusty demand for food and the matron sent out for a supply of milk which the child drank greedily. At 11 o'clock Mrs. Howard was arrested. Officer Mosher found her at Eighteenth and Larimer Streets in a drunken condition. She denied having deserted her baby. The charges against her were drunkenness and safe keeping.
HUMANE SOCIETY'S REPORT The Annual Report of Secretary Thomson Completed. Denver Post, 1/9/1895 Secretary Thomson of the Humane Society has completed his report for the year 1894. From January 1 to October 31, just 3,916 cases are referred to. There were 1,327 complaints; 862 families were assisted and 465 refused; 450 men were aided and 269 refused; 826 women were assisted and 482 refused, 1, 487 children were succored and 40 left unaided as being not deserving. This report does not include Secretary Thomson's work in the state. The legislatures of Arizona and New Mexico have applied for copies of the rules of the society, with the view of organizing similar societies.
IN HUMANITY'S CAUSE Secretary Thomson Submits a Report for November Denver Post 12/6/1895 During the month of November, according to the report Secretary Thomson prepared yesterday, the Colorado Humane Society received notice of ninety cases of destitution, of which thirty-nine were helped. Transportation was allowed five persons and employment was secured for five applicants. There were a large number of cases of cruelty to animals and the following were looked after. Twenty horses, 14 dogs, 10 cattle, 600 sheep and 48 chickens. Four horses, 3 sheep and 1 dog were ordered killed. Two cases were prosecuted in the justice courts and there were two convictions.
HUNT, D. L. THE BLAST WENT OFF A Gilpin County Miner Seriously Injured Yesterday. Special to the News Rocky Mountain News 9/29/1895 CENTRAL CITY, Colo., Sept. 28-- An accident here this morning to a prospector named D. L. Hunt, working on the Divide, between South Boulder park and Jenny Gulch. He had loaded a shot and it missed fire. As he thought something was wrong in returning down the ladder way to ascertain the cause, the shot went off, knocking him off the ladder and he fell about twenty feet to the bottom of the shaft. His fellow miners on the surface descended the shaft and brought him out. He received serious but not fatal injuries. He was taken to Boulder City to be treated for his injuries.
INSANITY FIVE INSANE WOMEN Tried in the County Court and Ordered Confined. One of the Unfortunates Became Insane After Going to Work as a Domestic--Another Lost Her Mind Through Family Troubles-Only One Was Violent--One Man Among the Batch-All Sent to Pueblo. Denver Post, 1/3/1895 In the County Court this morning six persons were tried as to their sanity. Five were women and one was an old man. Lillie Lundgreen was tried first; the evidence showed that she had been a poor working girl, and from overwork, had contracted sick spells that culminated in a mild form of insanity. She sat quietly throughout the examination and did not attempt to speak. The jury found her to be insane. Mary Williams was next placed on trial. She was the only really violent patient. Her particular mania was that the hospital people had taken from her $9.05 in money and an immense dry goods box full of bed clothes. She talked loudly throughout her confinement in the court room. She was declared insane. Fanny Payton was next tried. Her mania was not at any time violent. She sat for the most of the time imagining that her children and husband were talking to her. She had become separated from her family through trouble. She was adjudged a lunatic. Clara Wilson had a peculiar mania. She was all right mentally until she went to work as a domestic. A few days after her employment she announced that a month before she had a dream, in which she was warned against the woman who was employing her. She immediately left, and ever since has labored under the delusion that this lady was trying to poison or kill her. She also took to reading the Bible night and day. She was declared insane. The next case was a peculiarly sad one. The subject was Hanna Swan, a pretty girl about 18 years of age. She had been employed at Fort Logan as a domestic for a year. Last October she came to Denver and soon afterwards exhibited violent symptoms of insanity. She was constantly out of her mind and embraced every opportunity to run away from her friends. In the court room she talked continually in a rambling way about the people she knew at Fort Logon and Denver, at intervals declaring she was not insane. She was confined by the request of her sister, Anna Swan. She was declared insane. Fred Kraus was the last person placed on trial. He believed that he was poisoned and could not get rid of the delusion. He was adjudged insane.
JARVIS HALL MERCIFUL TEACHERS Citizens of Montclair Stand up for the Instructors of Jarvis Hall. Rocky Mountain News, 2/18/1895 In view of the statements made in the public press concerning Jarvis Hall and the arrest of the masters there for whipping two boys, and in order to correct the impression evident from the statements that undue severity is practiced at the school, we, residents of Montclair, and acquainted with the faculty and management of the institution, wish to say that no more generous, kind-hearted and merciful man teachers in Colorado or elsewhere than Mr. Spaulding, the principal, and we have full confidence in him and his ability to discipline his school with justice and mercy. Signed by Robert E. Foot, George W. Timmerman, Mrs. Geo. Timmerman, Percy Austin, Henry Reed, Bessie C.Reed, J. Will Hudston, T. J. Anders, J. P. Burnett, James Niven, Mrs. F. Huxtable, Miss Armstrong, Mrs. T. M. Armstrong, T. M. Armstrong, Carrie B. Downing, C. M. Shepardson, N. A. Shepardson, John H. Denison, Agnes H. Denison, Jonas W. ASburn, Emil Glanber, William M. Ingersoll, Fred Huxtable, J. H. Nicols, Jr., J. M. Downing, W. D. Suydam, Edward Rollandet, M. C.Church, John Miller, H. F. Meyers, James H. Nichols, D. C. Rhodes, L. Peterson, J. H. Downing, O.C. Walk, Mrs. N. A. Piers, R. H. Coburn, E. A. Haffy, C. Westervelt, James H. Pomeroy, Mrs. J. H. Nichols, James Lawson, Hugh Nichols, M. H. Lawson.
JONES, Jennie M., (Mrs.) NEW WOMAN IN OFFICE ALL TEACHERS OF EXPERIENCE Rocky Mountain News, 11/24/1895 Mrs. Jennie Mitchell Jones, superintendent of schools elect, for Summit County was born in southern Illinois, in January, 1853 and at the age of 16 entered the state Normal School at Normal, Ill., she attended there for one year and alternated teaching and attending school until Jan 1st. 1877, at which time she was married to Hon. Samuel W. Jones. A part of her educational days were spent at the Northwestern University at Evanston, Ill., where she took a classical course, but prizes most of all the early teaching of her mother who prepared her for her college courses. She moved to this place in 1880.
KEARNS, Bart, (Mr. & Mrs.) THEY ASK $10,000 Mrs. Kearns Fractured Ankle Worth That Amount. Denver Post, 1/10/1895 Mr. & Mrs. Bart Kearns filed suit yesterday in the District Court, each to recover $5,000 from the owner of certain premises on 19th Street. It is alleged that the owner of the property shoveled snow from the roof of the building to the sidewalk. Mrs. Kearns while walking down 19th St. stepped on the snow and fractured her ankle. Mr. Kearns was not injured, but he was deprived of his wife's services while his wife was disabled and he thinks he should have the sum sued for.
KENNEDY, John W. AN OLD SOLDIER ROBBED John W. Kennedy Cashes a Pension Order for $124. Denver Post 1/10/1895 John W. Kennedy was arrested this morning by Deputy United States Marshal Lovall, for alleged pension fraud in May 1892. He was arraigned before United States Commissioner Capron and held to the grand jury in the sum of $1,000. Kennedy, it is alleged, received a letter from the pension authorities at Washington in May last, addressed to John Kennedy. The letter contained his pension order amounting to $124. He cashed the order and converted the money to his own use. The money, it is claimed, was for another Kennedy.
LANGLEY, Margaret INFORMATION WANTED An Aged Mother Desires to Hear From Her Missing Daughter Rocky Mountain News, 11/25/1895 Benjamin Franks of Des Moines, IA, writes The News that he is anxious to receive information concerning the whereabouts of Margaret Langley, who was born seven miles from the city of Orangeville, Upper Canada, and was given for adoption when 6 years old. Four years later the family and child left the vicinity and fourteen years ago they were last heard from at Bright, Mich., from whence it is believed they went West. The lady is now about 30 years old, and her mother, who is in distressed circumstances, is very anxious to hear from her missing daughter.
LE FEVRE, Mrs. SEIZED THE NEWS STAND A Demented Woman Imagines She Owns the Depot. Rocky Mountain News, 11/16/1895 Mrs. Le Fevre, a demented woman, who periodically visits the city and who has at various times been an inmate of the county hospital and insane asylum, arrived yesterday afternoon from La Junta. As soon as she got off the train at the Union Depot she imagined she was proprietress of the establishment and proceeded to help herself to the articles displayed at the news stand. The police surgeon was telephoned for and the woman was taken to the matron's department. Here she broke a large pane of glass in the door leading from her cell to the corridor, and it was then necessary to confine her to the female ward of the jail.
LEWIS, JOHN WANTS A WIFE. He Is Nearly Blind But That Makes No Difference. Denver Post, 7/6/1895 John Lewis of 1352 Tremont Street is so unfortunate as to be blind in one eye and to have defective sight in the other, and although thirty years old, without a trade, occupation or any means by which he could earn a livelihood. He is depending on relatives for support now, but is tired of that, he says. Notwithstanding all these circumstances, Lewis wants to marry, but before he takes the step, he desires to fix things so that he will not have to live on love alone. According to his story he is infatuated with a young widow residing on Glenarm Street, near Fifteenth. She has promised to become his wife and make the balance of his career more rosy and worth living than the past has been. To secure this amount of happiness Lewis claims it will be necessary for him to learn a trade so that he can work and live comfortably on the proceeds. He is enthusiastic over his proposed venture on the matrimonial sea, and in this mood he visited the office of the State Board of Charities and Corrections this morning and laid his plans bare. Lewis wants the board to grant him the necessary permission to enter the Institute for the Mute and Blind at Colorado Springs so that he may have an opportunity of acquainting himself with a trade or profession of some kind. Lewis is above the age required for inmates of the institution, but his case may be taken up and be made an exception to the rule at the board's next meeting.
LIGGETT, Emma O., (Mrs.) NEW WOMAN IN OFFICE ALL TEACHERS OF EXPERIENCE Rocky Mountain News, 11/24/1895 Mrs. Emma O. Liggett, county superintendent elect of Kiowa County, was born in Jasper County, Indiana. He father, Charles Orcutt, died in the army her education was superintended by her mother, a woman of rare intelligence. Mrs. Liggitt was a student at the Valparaiso, Ind., normal college in '81 and '82 and at Shenadoah, IA, in '87. She began teaching at the age of 18. She went to Kiowa County in 1887 and has since resided at Chivington. In 1888 she was married to C. Frost Liggett, editor of the Chivington Chief and Sheridan Lake Press. Mrs. Liggett is a woman of exciting attainments and great energy and is up with the times and in close touch with the public school system.
LINDSAY-KANE MARRIED AT GEORGETOWN Special to The News Rocky Mountain News, 7/26/1895 GEORGETOWN, Colo., July 25.--Mr. Joseph Lindsay and Miss Maggie Kane were married here last night, the Rev. Father Howlett officiating.
MC CALL, Mary, (Mrs.) FOUND HER TICKET The Plight of an Absent-Minded Woman Denver Post 1/10/1895 Mrs. Mary McCall started for Portland, Oregon, yesterday, but before the train was fairly under way she found herself in a terrible predicament. In some mysterious way her ticket had disappeared. She seemed positive that she had dropped it on the platform of the car and a search for it was instituted. This done, but no ticket coming to the surface, Mrs. McCall was forced to return to Denver. She fancied herself in a sad predicament and was going to do all sorts of things to the railroad company, but this morning something occurred to cause her to look at affairs in a different light. Before the train which she first boarded reached Gunnison the brakeman found Mrs. McCall's ticket under the seat where she had placed it.
McCANE, William C. ATTEMPTED SUICIDE. William C. McCane of Denver Tries to End His Life. Special to The News Rocky Mountain News, 1/5/1895 NORRISTOWN, Pa. Jan 4.--William C. McCane of Denver, who claims to be a wealthy mine owner visiting relatives here, was taken ill today on the street and placed in one of the private rooms of the hospital. An hour later he was found unconscious, having turned on the gas. The usual remedies restored him to consciousness. He was taken to the police station, where he said he regretted his attempt to take his life. He is 31 years old and has a wife and family in Denver. He says that last year he lost $20,000. He had considerable money with him and was released on promising to return home.
MILLER, George W. DOBSON, Henry NEIGHBORS QUARREL Georgie Dobson Punished for Staying Out Too Late Denver Post, 1/11/1895 Justice Howze yesterday sat in judgment upon the family tribulations of Henry Dobson, wife and daughter and the family of George W. Miller. On Sunday evening Dobson's daughter accompanied the daughter of Neighbor Miller to a friend's house. The young ladies returned to their peaceful abode rather late and Georgia Dobson fearing a parental chastisement retired with her companion, Miss Miller. At midnight in the Dobson home the lamp shed a dim light and found the erring daughter still absent. Fearful less some mishap had befallen their daughter, the early morning found the anxious parents on a tour of investigation among the neighbors. After a two hour's search Georgia was located safe in the arms of Morpheus at the Miller home. A family chastisement was at once attempted, when Mr. Miller interred, and after considerable disturbance a flag of truce was submitted by Dobson promising no further punishment to his daughter. During the following day Dobson renewed the hostilities of the previous evening for which he was promptly arrested on the charge of disturbance. At the trial this morning Miller testified that Dobson was unusually severe in his punishment towards his daughter. Justice Howze reserved his decision.
MONCRIEFF, John CIVIL BRIEFS Rocky Mountain News, 10/18/1895 Objections to the report of Zouave Moncrieff, executor of the will of John Moncrieff, were heard before Judge Steele yesterday. Anna M. Long and Rachel Buel, two of the heirs, charged that the executor had failed to collect rent for property occupied by himself, and another of the heirs and also that he had charged a commission on $5,000 borrowed for the estate. Decision was reserved.
PAGE, ANNA K., (Mrs.) NEW WOMAN IN OFFICE ALL TEACHERS OF EXPERIENCE Rocky Mountain News, 11/24/1895 Mrs. Anna K. Page, the present county superintendent of schools, who has just been re-elected was born in Peacham, Caledonai County, Vermont and belongs to one of the oldest families in that historical region. Her great grandfather was one of the founders of the town of Peacham in the latter portion of the eighteenth century. Her maiden name was Anna Kavanaugh. She received the foundation of her education at the Peacham Academy, and continued it in the state Normal school of Massachusetts. A few years after this she removed to Chicago, where she secured a position as principal of one of the public schools. In 1880 she moved to Leadville, where she had since resided. Her husband is Dr. John J. Page of Leadville.
PAYNE, R. C. PAYNE AND HIS TATTOO Rocky Mountain News, 11/24/1895 Mayor McMurray received a letter yesterday inquiring as to the rumored death of one R. C. Payne of Akron, Ohio. The letter said Mr. Payne, if living could be identified by a tattoo on his right arm "of a woman in tights or short skirts, I am not certain which."
PECK, Emma, (Mrs.) NEW WOMAN IN OFFICE ALL TEACHERS OF EXPERIENCE Rocky Mountain News, 11/24/1895 Mrs. Emma Peck, nee Emma B. Hull, who was elected superintendent of schools for Routt County, is the daughter of Mrs. J. A. Dory of Idaho Springs and was born in Kansas in 1859. The year she was born her parents moved to Colorado, taking up their residence in Gilpin County. In 1869 they removed to Idaho Springs, where Miss Emma attended the public schools. She entered the high school of Arapahoe County at Denver. She did not graduate from the high school, but at 17 years of age she secured a teacher's certificate and taught the first public school at Freeland, Clear Creek County. After this she took charge of the school at Dumont for two years. In 1878 she was married to Mr. H. B. Peck, who has been superintendent of schools for Routt County for the past two years. She is the mother of an interesting family of four children. In 1892 she took charge of the one school at Hayden and the same year removed to Craig, taking charge of the primary department. Mrs. Peck is a through educator, and one whose friends predict will improve the efficacy of the schools of Routt County.
POLICE REPORT Chief Goulding Juggles Figures to His Department. Rocky Mountain News, 6/4/1895 The report submitted by Chief Goulding to the fire and police board for the month of May shows the number of arrests to be 689, of this number 590 being males, and 109 females. Thirty-two prisoners were charged with burglary, 5 with counterfeiting, 87 with drunkenness, 61 with vagrancy and 46 with gambling, the remainder, being saddled with miscellaneous offenses. In the detectives' report it is stated that $7,547 worth of stolen property was recovered and 206 arrests were made. Jailer Hobart reported $350.45 collected on executions. Cases treated by the police surgeons numbered 118.
SHORT, Kate (Mrs.) GASOLINE IGNITED Rocky Mountain News 6/4/1895 Mrs. Kate Short began experimenting with a new gasoline stove in the Home Restaurant, 332 Seventeenth Street, yesterday afternoon and failed to stop the flow of the liquid after she had ignited it. A small blaze resulted which several bystanders extinguished without damage resulting.
SOPER, FRANK, see *Gem Lode
STIMSON, Charles, see *Gem Lode
ST. VINCENT'S BENEFIT A Largely Attended and Thoroughly Enjoyed Charity Ball Rocky Mountain News, 1/2/1895 The second annual ball of the Ladies' Aid Society for the benefit of St. Vincent's Orphan Asylum was given at Progress Hall last evening. The hall was tastefully decorated with evergreen and bunting. Long streamers were draped from the chandeliers to the corners of the hall, while around the walls were masses of evergreen and bunting. Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Mullen, led the grand march and were followed by about 150 couples. Twenty-four dancing numbers followed. The reception committee consisted of W. T. Davoren, Thomas Fitzgerald, E. L. Fox, D. M. Keith, C. J. Dunn, Thomas Fielding, Ed Keough, J. Fortune, Joe Walsh, R. Webber, Dr. Cuneo, and Mesdames J. K. Mullen, P. Carlin, W. P. Horan, C. H. Wilkin, F. J. Mott, W. H. Andres, Matt Murray, Eugene McCarthy, J. E. Stanley, M. Notery and Parroth. The floor committee consisted of P. R. Riordan, Phillip Ryan, Joe McIntyre, W. F. Carroll, Thomas Ryan, Deed Houran, John Campbell, T. J. Reynolds, A. O. Woodward, Joe Cummings, George Cottrell, S. J. McGinnis, Will Platfoot, James Soden, P. J. McEnery, Ralph Culbertson, T. J. Dowd, J. Scheren and James Fortune. In the handsome banquet hall on the first floor refreshments were served during the evening. A number of the clergy of the city called during the evening and were received with warm welcome. The event was thoroughly enjoyed by the large crowd present and a handsome sum was realized for the asylum, which at present contains 180 orphans.
ST. VINCENT'S ORPHANAGE A Brave Sister Denver Post, 7/6/1895 Dr. H. C. Snitcher, the attending physician at St. Vincent's Orphanage, and who attended the McMahon-Cane baby that died at the institution on July 5, explains that the child was afflicted with pneumonia when she arrived at the institution. Applications of poultices, under the physician's direction, were applied by one of the sisters in charge of the nursery and for 72 hours the baby never left the sister's arms.
SULLIVAN, John J. JOHN J. SULLIVAN WILL Rocky Mountain News, 1/6/1895 The will of John Jonathan Sullivan was admitted to probate in the county court yesterday and Samuel N. Wood was appointed administrator with the will annexed. Sullivan lived in England and at his death some years ago left property in Denver, valued at $5,000. The gross value of his personal property when the instrument was probated in the old country was found to be $75,000, but as there was realty in Colorado it became necessary to have the testament proven and admitted in this state.
SUNDGREST, Gustave Adolft TRIED TO KILL HIMSELF Gustave Sundgrest of Leadville Attempts Suicide. Special to The News Rocky Mountain News, 11/25/1895 PUEBLO, Colo., Nov. 24.--Gustave Adolft Sundgreat, 35 years old, a Swede smelter hand, who came here from Leadville Friday evening, cut his throat almost from ear to ear this evening in a outhouse back of the Pueblo hotel on Victoria Avenue, near the union depot. He severed the windpipe and left the jugular vein. He has now lived several hours, but the attending surgeon expects his death at any time. Sundgrest came here to look for work. He was decidedly taciturn and said nothing of himself except that he had once been leaded in a smelter and was in Pueblo to seek employment at the steel works or smelters. He paid his board from day to day. This afternoon he sat around the hotel office in a morose frame of mind. Without saying a word he got up tonight and went to the rear of the hotel. Half an hour later Mrs. Matt McCabe, wife of the proprietor, and her little son Leo, found him lying unconscious on the floor of the outhouse. He had drawn his razor across his throat and then closing the instrument, dropped it. As he became weak from lose of blood, he sank to the floor. Nothing to identify him was found except his naturalization papers, taken out at Leadville.
How a Double Compromise Was Effected on a Bill Rocky Mountain News, 10/13/1895 Canary birds and diamond rings are involved in a case in Cater's court in which Felix Thies is defendant in an attachment suit brought by the Western Laundry Company. Yesterday Constable Tibbitts called at the Thies home with attachment papers and demanded possession of two canary birds described in the affidavit of the plaintiff. Mrs. Thies was alone when the constable arrived and she wept much at the thought of parting with her pretty canaries. Rather than hand them over to the care of the constable she offered him a valuable diamond ring. Tibbits took the ring and placed it in the hands of Clerk Phelps of Cater's court. Last evening Thies called at the court, very indignant at the proceedings taken against him. The bill of the Western Laundry Company, upon which the attachment was based, was $10.50. Thies deposited this amount at the court and left with his wife's ring.
UNIQUE CELEBRATION A Stone Placed at the Spot Where the First Stake Was Driven in Colorado Springs. Special to The News Rocky Mountain News, 7/5/1895 COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo., July 4.--There was a very unique celebration this morning in this city. The Daughters of the American Revolution celebrated the day by placing a stone at the corner of Pike's Peak and Cascade Avenue, which is the point where the first stake was driven in the original survey of the town site. The services were brief but impressive. Mrs. W. F. Slocum, state regent of the Daughters, gave a statement of the objects of the organization and of the reason for the marking of the stake. General W. J. Palmer, president of the Fountain Colony Company, and President of the Colorado Springs Company to this day certified to the location of the stake. He made a short address in which he told the history of the origin of the town. Mr. John Potter, a prominent citizen who was a member of the surveying party and who helped drive the first stake, stepped forward and placed a flag in position over the corner. The school children san, "America" and three cheers were given for the flag. The stone is of granite and was presented by Miss A. A. Warren, an old resident of the city. The corner where it stands is opposite the Antlers' Hotel.
VILET, Lewis VILET, David SUMMER, Frank RUNAWAYS CAUGHT Special to The News Rocky Mountain News, 11/25/1895 PUEBLO, Colo., Nov. 24.,--Lewis Vilet, 14 years old, and David Vilet, 16, runaways from Denver, and Frank Summer, 13, from Butte Mont., were arrested by the police at the Union Depot tonight and are held.
Nothing in the Law Compelling the Distribution of Blanks by County Clerks Rocky Mountain News, 5/24/1895 Henry Sewall, Secretary of the State Board of Health, has addressed a letter to Attorney General Carr complaining that the collection of vital statistics, with the exception of the records of the Denver Health Office, has been almost totally neglected in the state. He has distributed to the various county clerks, he says, blanks for transcribing the records of vital statistics with direction that they should distribute them among local boards of health in their respective counties. In most cases, however, the clerks failed to distribute the blanks and local boards often failed, when supplied with them to make returns. Mr. Sewall asked for the law as to whether the state board could compel county clerks to distribute the blanks, if the services of district attorney’s could be demanded in prosecuting delinquent clerks, and if delinquent boards of health could be proceeded against. General Carr finds that the law is defective in that county clerks are only by implication required to distribute the blanks and that no penalty is provided for the neglect or refusal. Prosecutions would probably fail. Neither is there any provision providing a penalty for failure of local boards to report. There are ample provisions for the enforcement of sanitary provisions, but in the collection of vital statistics the law seems absolutely ineffective.
WALKER, Elizabeth, (Miss) NEW WOMAN IN OFFICE ALL TEACHERS OF EXPERIENCE Rocky Mountain News, 11/24/1895 Mesa County's Superintendent. Miss Elizabeth Walker was born on a Southern plantation near Atlanta, Ga., in December 1868. In 1871 her parents moved to Walsenburg, Colo. She is a graduate of the Denver University of the class of '91. She holds a first grade certificate from Mesa County, and has taught two years as principal of the schools at Debeque.
WAILE, Peter FOUND TO BE WEAK MINDED Rocky Mountain News 9/29/1895 Special to the News GREELEY, Colo., Sept. 28--Peter Waile, whose trial for insanity has been pending for several days, came up in the county court. Judge Thompson presiding, this afternoon. He was found to be of weak mind by the jury, which also recommended him to be sent to the county hospital for not less than two weeks until he was pronounced well from the bruises he has received. Mr. Waile is the man who come into town Thursday morning and clamed he had been held up, robbed of $50 and his throat cut. He testified on the witness stand that he left Denver about twelve days ago with over $50 in his pocket, and while walking along the railroad between this city and Evans, that some unknown man came up from behind him, hit him on the head and at the same time reaching the other hand around and cutting his throat, then robbing him of $50. The description, sent from Denver does not fit this man who claims his home is in Jackson, Mich., and to be a farmer.
WALKER HOUSE, THE HOTEL BURNED AT SILVERTON Special to The News Rocky Mountain News, 11/24/1895 Silverton, Colo., Nov. 23.,--The Walker House was destroyed by fire last night. The conflagration started from a defective flue in room 14. The fire department subdued the flames, and returned home thinking everything was safe, but at 2 o'clock this morning the fire broke out again and made a complete wreck of the property. The lose on the building is from $4,000 to $5,000 and on furniture $1,500. The property was insured for $1,000 only.
He Was on the Wrong Side of the Road and While Endeavoring to Avoid a Car Runs Into Mrs. Wallace's Rig and Wrecks It--She Has Him Arrested and Will Sue for Damages. Denver Post, 7/6/1895 Mary E. Wallace, a most charming appearing young lady residing on West Tenth Avenue, was the complaining witness against H. Albert, a peddler, who was arraigned in the police court this morning on the charge of careless driving. Yesterday afternoon the witness and a lady companion were enjoying a sunning in the family phaeton. Miss Wallace was driving along Curtis Street, going east. At the Twelfth Street bridge she met the defendant, Albert, who was driving a two-seated surrey in the opposite direction. On the bridge both vehicles collided. Albert was attempting to avoid a Tramway car and in his effort to do so collided with Miss Wallace's buggy, wrecking it and throwing the occupants to the road. After the accident the young lady demanded that she be paid for the destruction of the family carriage. Albert denied that he was responsible and attempted to drive off. He was stopped by Health Officer Gregory, who placed him under arrest for careless driving. At the trial this morning the testimony of the street car conductor and motorman and the officer, all of whom witnessed the affair, it was shown conclusively that the defendant was not on the proper side of the road, or he would have avoided the collision. Judge Webber assessed a fine of $10 and costs. Miss Wallace says she will now sue Albert for the cost of repairs to her carriage and Albert threatens to fight the suit.
WILLIAMSON, Ann HATRAY, Emma SEARCHING FOR RUNAWAYS Rocky Mountain News, 8/22/1895 The detectives are searching for Emma Hatray, aged 14, and Anna Williamson, age 16, who ran away from their home at 1427 Twenty-seventh Street a few days ago. Anna is the daughter of C. Y. Williamson and Emma is his step-daughter. It is believed that the girls skipped out to the mountains.
WILLARD, Annie C., (Mrs.) NEW WOMAN IN OFFICE ALL TEACHERS OF EXPERIENCE Rocky Mountain News, 11/24/1895 Mrs. Annie C. Willard was born in California. She with her parents came to Colorado early in the 70's, settling at Bijou Basin, Elbert County, where she lived until her marriage to Hascal Willard, fifteen years ago. At the Democratic County convention, held at Elizabeth three weeks before the election it was decided to put Mrs. Willard's name before the people of Elbert County as a candidate for county superintendent of schools, knowing that if elected she would fill the office to the satisfaction of all. Mars. Willard is a lady of culture and refinement and is well known and highly respected by every citizen in Elbert County, and will undoubtedly fill the office in a way satisfactory to all.
WILSON, Henrietta, (Miss) NEW WOMAN IN OFFICE ALL TEACHERS OF EXPERIENCE Rocky Mountain News 11/24/1895 Miss Henrietta Wilson, school superintendent elect of Larimer County, is a native of West Fairfield, Westmoreland County, Penn. To the public schools of Pennsylvania and a short academic course in her native village, Miss Wilson is indebted for her educational training. She began teaching in her native state at the age of 17 and continued in the work there until she came to Colorado in June, 1887. After teaching a term in rural schools she obtained a situation in the public schools of Loveland. Where she has been continuously employed.
YOKOM, Louisa P., (Mrs.) NEW WOMEN IN OFFICE ALL TEACHERS OF EXPERIENCE Rocky Mountain News, 11/24/1895 Mrs. Louisa Pitt Yokom, she has been elected superintendent of the schools of Dolores County, is a highly cultured woman, whose life has been mainly devoted to educational and philanthropic matters. She was born in Platte City, Mo., and was educated at the Daughters College of the city, graduating with the highest honors as the valedictorian of her class. She afterwards taught in the college, be assistant in the sciences and having the literary societies under her supervision. She also taught in the public schools of Platte County. It was while teaching that she met Dr. G. D. Yokom to whom she was afterwards married. Mr. and Mrs. Yokom settled in Alma, Colo., where the doctor was practicing. They afterwards moved to Montrose, where they resided for six years. Their home has been in Rico for the last four years. Mrs. Yokom has always been closely identified will all movements for the public good. One of her chief characteristics is her strong friendship for women and her unswerving devotion to their interests. |