Colorado Obituaries 08/01/2001 LastUpdate **Colorado Clues website is not affiliated with the Denver Rocky Mountain News, or the Denver Post. It is not an official website of the Denver Rocky Mountain News, or the Denver Post. Transcriptions may not be reproduced for profit and are made available for genealogical purposes. |
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ALTMAN, Morris MORRIS ALTMAN DEAD. Denver Post, 3/7/1895 M. D. Altman, the well-known wholesale liquor dealer, died last night at his residence, 2341 Clarkson Street. The deceased has lived in Denver twenty years. He leaves a wife and two children. He was a member of the Knights of Honor, Odd Fellows and I. O. B. B.
ARCHER, FRANK DEATH OF FRANK ARCHER Rocky Mountain News, 1/4/1895 Frank Archer, formerly a large land owner along the Platte River, died on January 1, at Zellwood, Fla., of consumption. He came to Denver when quite young and was interested in farming pursuits until failing health compelled him to try other climates. After traveling for years his health finally completely failed him in Florida, where his sister joined him and remained with him to the end.
BAKER, George Franklin (See article under: Bitzer,Conrad B.)
Death of a Pioneer Woman of Kansas in Berkeley. Rocky Mountain News, 9/30/1895 Yesterday morning at the residence of George Robinson, Sixteenth and Fay Streets, Berkeley, occurred the death of Mrs. Mary A. Baldwin in her 76th year. Mrs. Baldwin with her husband settled in Illinois in 1832 when that country was part of the wild West, moving in 1853 to Missouri, and two years later to Kansas. She participated in the first battle between the whites in Kansas, a distinction of which she was justly proud. Ex-Governor Robinson, while attempting to remove Mrs. Baldwin's tent from a section of land where Lawrence now is received a slight injury at her hands. During the late war she was taken prisoner by Quantrel's band a few miles from Lawrence, but was shortly after returned by a strong guard. Mrs. Baldwin was the mother of ten children, all of whom are living and were present at her demise. She also had three grandchildren and four great grandchildren. The funeral will be held this afternoon at 2 o'clock. Interment at Riverside. Friends and members of the G. A. R. are invited.
BALL, L. M. DEAD IN HIS CELL L. M. Ball Hangs Himself in a Pueblo Jail Denver Post, 1/13/1895 Pueblo, Colo., Jan.12, 1895--(Special)--L. M. Ball hanged himself in the county jail this morning with a dog chain. He was accused of stealing from his employer N. Dunning. He originally came from Wisconsin, and formerly lived at 1043 S. Lincoln Av., Denver.
BARRIE, Charles Town Talk Denver Post, 1/12/1895 Mr. Charles Barrie, an old man of 74, last evening succumbed to an attack of apoplexy. For twenty years Mr. Barrie was station agent for the Burlington at Princeton, IL.
BEDDOE, Albert DEATH OF ALBERT BEDDOE Rocky Mountain News, 1/5/1895 Albert Beddoe died Friday evening at home on Lincoln Avenue. He was for nine years in the advertising department of the Cincinnati Times-Star, but his health giving out was compelled to come to Colorado. The change was too late and after about a year's residence he passed away. For the past nine months he has been advertising agent for the Denver Times. His early death--he was about 30--is a matter of grief to a large circle of friends.
BILLINGS, Al AL BILLINGS SHOT John Grimes Fatally Wounds A Man At Bitter Creek Special to The News Rocky Mountain News, 8/22/1895 FRUITA, Colo., Aug. 21--Al Billings, who was in the employ of the James Rector cattle outfit on the Bitter Creek, in the edge of Utah, was shot by John Grimes some time yesterday. Grimes fired four shots at Billings, only one taking effect, which will prove fatal. The ball entered the lower part of the body, cutting through the bladder and passed entirely through the body. Billings was unarmed and could not defend himself. Oscar Turner, a boy 15 years of age, was at the scene and took Grimes by the arm and told him not to shoot anymore. Grimes immediately saddled the best horse in camp and made his escape very easily. It is not known yet whether or not the authorities are in pursuit of the murderer. Mr. Billings was brought to this place today and is still alive at Dr. Beard's office. Bitter Creek is about sixty miles north of this place in a very wild and secluded part of the Book Cliff mountains that form the northern boundary of the Grand River Valley.
BITZER, Conrad C. WALROD, Frank C. BAKER, George Franklin
VICTIMS OF THE ACCIDENT Services Over the Remains Held Yesterday TOUCHING TRIBUTES TO THE DEAD Services Over the Body of Conrad C. Bitzer Conducted by Schiller Lodge of Masons—Frank Walrod Buried by Trinity Lodge, K. O. E. W.—Tribute by Parson Uzzell is the Memory of George F. Baker—Large Attendance of Friends at Each of the Funerals. Rocky Mountain News, 2/4/1895 The final act in the tragedy of last Wednesday night, when the boiler explosion at the West Denver power house of the Denver Tramway company sent three souls into eternity unwarned, was performed yesterday—what all that was mortal of the unfortunates was consigned to the grave. The funeral of Conrad C. Bitzer, the fireman who was killed instantly, and whose body was terribly mangled, was held at Miller’s undertaking establishment, 1714 Curtis street, and it was conducted by Schiller lodge of Masons No. 41, William Knight, pastor. The lodge assembled at Masonic temple at 1:30 and under escort of Oheen City division No. 5, uniformed rank K. of P, commanded by Captain Heinig, and division lodge No. 2, K. of P., of which Bitzer was a member, marched from the temple to where the body lay. Lohman’s band, playing a funeral dirge, headed the cortege. In a handsome casket, ornamented with Masonic emblems in silver, and almost buried in floral offerings, lay the body of the dead fireman. The floral pieces were exquisite in design and were the gifts of the lodges to which the dead man belonged and friends of the family. There were the square and compasses, in roses, smilax and evergreen, from the Masons; the emblem of the Knights of Piths; a beautiful floral pillow, with the legend, "Our Papa" worked in violets upon a ground of white flowers, a wreath from the Tramway Company, and another from Mr. and Mrs. F. Siege. A short service was performed by Rev. H. S. Felix of the Lutheran Church. He spoke feelingly of the sudden taking of Bitzer and added words of comfort and hope to the bereaved family. The body was then conveyed to the hearse by the following pall-bearers from Schiller lodge:--F. F. Evermann, Chris Weismuller, Frank Kaizer, Peter Fredericks, Carl Bruehne and Chris Ruhmann. At the grave in Riverside Cemetery, the impressive funeral ritual of the Masonic fraternity was read and the body committed to the dust with all the Masonic Honors.
Funeral of Frank Walrod.
Frank C. Walrod, who lost his life at the same time as Bitzer, was buried from Olivet Congregational Church, West Denver, at 1:30 o’clock in the afternoon. The funeral exercises were held under the auspices of Charity Lodge No. 23 A. O. U. W., and interment was held at Fairmount Cemetery. The little church was filled with friends and sympathizers with the family when the body, which had been prepared for burial at I. N. Rogers’ undertaking parlor reached the church. The funeral service was performed by the Rev. Mr. Upton, after which the A. O. U. W. took charge of the remains and conducted final exercises at the grave. The pallbearers were: W. T. Crean, John S. Coeres, J. P. Etheridge, Wm. R. Gibson, G. J. Stirm and C. L. Smith. W. E. Devore, deputy grand master workman and Don A. Swett, master workman, conducted the ritualistic exercises. Among the floral offerings was a beautiful anchor and shield, the emblem of the A. O. U. W.
Funeral of G. F. Baker
The funeral of George Franklin Baker, the aged man who died from the shock of the boiler explosion on Thursday morning last, took place from I. N. Rogers’ undertaking rooms on Champa Street. It was a sorrowful little gathering that assembled to pay the last tribute of respect to the memory of a good man. His daughter and son, with whom he has made his home since his residence in Denver, were bowed down with uncontrollable grief, and as Rev. Thomas Uzzell spoke of the virtues of the deceased and comforted as best he could the sorrowing relatives, a deep solemnity pervaded the room. At the conclusion of the exercises, which were short and simple, the body was conveyed to Riverside Cemetery. Mr. Baker was born in Pompey, N. Y., November 17, 1822 and at the time of his death was in his 73rd year. He was a man of fine attainments and ever ready to lend his aid to any good work.
BOAL, George J. Rocky Mountain News, 5/24/1895 GEORGE J. BOAL’S ESTATE The Widow Appointed Administrator with Bond of $100,000. The will of George J. Boal, the deceased lawyer, was filed for probate in the county court yesterday and the hearing set for July 1, and an order to take the testimony of the witnesses to the instrument at Hastings, Neb, being entered. The widow, Mrs. M. A. B. Boal was appointed administrator to collect and her bond was fixed at $100,000. The will is dated July 4, 1887 and is witnessed by L. M. Selby and Louis H. Jackson. It bequeaths his entire estate to his wife and two sons, Theodore D. and Montgomery, share and share alike, but all to be under the control of Mrs. Boal until Montgomery, the younger, reaches his majority, unless when Theodore reaches his majority she shall choose to give him his share or a part of it. Mrs. Boal is named as executrix without bonds.
BOSANKO, Dr. S. Arthur DR. BOSANKO DEAD Pneumonia Carries Off a Prominent Physician of Leadville Special to The News Rocky Mountain News, 11/24/1895 LEADVILLE, Colo., 11/23/1895--Dr. S. Arthur Bosanko died at his residence, 120 West Seventh Street, at 10:30 Saturday morning. The sickness was contracted last Monday a week ago. He was taken ill, but persisted in visiting his patients. The following Wednesday the doctor contracted a bad cold which soon manifested symptoms of pneumonia. He was prostrated and disconsolate, having a premonition of the outcome. So strongly had this conviction taken hold of him that he made his will and gave to his friend, Dr. E. T. Boyd, explicit directions as to the details of his burial. Dr. McDonald and Dr. Law were constant at his bedside and the best nurses of St. Vincent's Hospital were vigilant in their attention upon the sick physician. Dr. Flake of Denver had been telegraphed for and arrived on Friday of last week, when Dr. Bosanke gained some encouragement and expressed some hope of recovery. It was an extremely bad case of pneumonia, however, and the doctor finally succumbed. He was but 39 years of age and had established a large practice here. He leaves a wife and a son aged 5 years.
BROWN, James Deaths Rocky Mountain News, 8/19/1895 BROWN--At the residence of his daughter, 37 Lincoln Avenue, James Brown, aged 76 years. Father Brown has been a resident of Colorado since 1864. For the past twelve years he has lived in this city. He leaves behind him five daughters, Mrs. Sarah S. Wilson, Mrs. G. W. Drake, Mrs. W. E. Greenlee, Mrs. Lizzie James and Mrs. S. C. Brown, all residents of Denver. The funeral will take place from the home of G. W. Drake, 87 Lincoln Avenue, August 20 at 2 o'clock. Friends of the families are cordially invited.
BUCKLEY, Pat (see * Scoundrels "page under Pardons)
CARNEY, James DIED A VAGRANT. End of James Carney, Evidently Once a Man of Property Rocky Mountain News, 8/26/1895 At the Globe House, 1530 Market Street, yesterday morning James Carney, an unfortunate beggar, died suddenly. His remains were taken to the morgue. Four months ago, Carney, who had only one one-leg, came to the house. No one at the place knows his history, but he was without funds and homeless and to his fellow lodgers he was an object of pity. He was about 60 years of age and quite helpless. Last week some lodgers at the house clubbed together and paid for Carney's lodging for two months. Yesterday morning about 8:30 o'clock, the manager of the house found Carney dead in bed. There were no evidences of suicide or foul play and it is believed that the old man, who, perhaps was happy and prosperous at one time in his life, died a natural death.
CASEY, Thomas F. FUNERAL NOTICES Rocky Mountain News, 8/8/1895 CASEY--The death of Mr. Thomas F. Casey in Denver deserves more than a passing notice. Mr. Casey was a native of Chicago, being born in that city in 1847. is grand parents and parents were among its earliest pioneer, his father being a projector and contractor of the Illinois Canal. Mr. Casey came to Denver in 1883 and became an ardent admirer and lover of Colorado. Realizing its wonderful possibilities he transferred his interest to this state. He was a noble American and a warm advocate of her institutions, a staunch Roman Catholic whose hand was never closed to the wants of the poor. He inherited valuable property in Chicago from his father at the time of his death the revenue from which he used in Denver. It was in his home this modest, sensitive man was best known. His wife and little ones were the world in which he lived and had his being and to them his loss is irreparable. He leaves a wife and five children, the eldest a boy of 11 years, all well provided for, also two brothers, Mr. P. Casey the well known furniture dealer and Mr. Ed J. Casey of Emerson Avenue. In Chicago are numerous cousins and legions of friends whose eyes will be moistened as they read of his early death. Such lives are an inspiration and far too short. The grave has never closed over a better citizen a more loving husband and father and friend. May God give us more such men. The funeral occurs at St. Mary's Cathedral, August 8, at 9:30 a. m. Interment in Mount Olivet.
CASLER, Eli Eliber
Rocky Mountain News, 2/3/1895 Special to The News CENTRAL CITY,--Colo., Feb 2—Eli Eliber Casler, one of the oldest mill men of this county, died last night at his residence in Black Hawk, after a short illness of pneumonia. He had been engaged in stamp milling since 1863, the date of his arrival here. He first located in Nevadaville, working for the late Truman Whitcomb. He leaves a wife, son and daughter. His funeral will occur Monday afternoon from the Presbyterian Church in Black Hawk. He was a native of New York State, and was 60 years of age.
CHRIST, Frailey DEATH OF A PIONEER STOCKMAN Rocky Mountain News 5/29/1895 Frailey Christ, one of the pioneers of Arapahoe County died at St. Anthony's Hospital Monday afternoon. The deceased was a cattleman, having for the past twenty-five years followed cattle-raising and farming in Colorado. At the time of his death he was 64 years old. He was born in Pottsville, Pa., and came to this state just twenty-five years ago. He was a bachelor and he leaves one sister and one brother.
COLLIER, DR. J. T. DR. J. T. COLLIER DEAD. Special to the News Rocky Mountain News, 1/4/1895 PUEBLO, Colo., Jan. 3.--Dr. John T. Collier of this city died at Syracuse, Kan., soon after 1 o'clock yesterday morning at the age of 68 years. His ailment was neuralgia of the heart and his illness was very brief. He leaves but one child, a daughter living at Sterling, Kan. In 1864 Dr. Collier left his birthplace in Collier County, Mo., and went to California. Soon after this he engaged in the live stock business in Nevada and proved himself very competent. In 1871 he came to Colorado and made Pueblo his home. The funeral will be held here probably Sunday afternoon.
COOMBS, Richard Stanley Denver Post, 1/24/1895 Richard Stanley Coombs, government reporter during the famous Rarnell and Phoenix trial in London, died yesterday of pneumonia at his residence on Pearl Street. He leaves a wife and one child. He body was shipped last evening to Hamilton, Canada for interment.
CROSSON, Dominik FOUND DEAD Special to The News Rocky Mountain News, 8/22/1895 Aspen, Colo., Aug. 21.,-- Dominik Crosson, an old timer in the camp, was found dead in a vault in the rear of Cooper Avenue today. He was a pump man on the Schiller mine. Crosson, came here from Leadville in 1888 and owned a home and mining interests on Richmond Hill.
DALE, CHARLES E. KILLED BY FALLING TREE Special to The News Rocky Mountain News, 1/3/1895 CRIPPLE CREEK, Colo., Jan. 2-- Chas. E. Dale, employed by the Witcher Lumber Company in felling trees west of Mount Pisgah, was instantly killed while engaged in his work this afternoon. The butt of a tree struck him on the head and crushed it. Deceased was a Mason, single and his parents reside in Arkansas.
ECKER, Harry HIS SKULL WAS CRUSHED Special to The News Rocky Mountain News, 6/5/1895 GREELEY, Colo., June 4.--Mr. Harry Ecker, the senior partner of Ecker & Gordon, contractors and builders of this city, met with a serious accident about 11 o'clock this morning. Mr. Ecker was working on the house of Daniel Strohls on Thirteenth Avenue when the scaffold on which he was standing gave way, throwing him against a large stone and crushing his skull. Mr. Ecker is now lying at his home on the corner of Thirteenth Street and Seventh Avenue, in a very critical condition, there being little show of recovery.
EZEKIEL, D. I., Captain CAPTAIN EZEKIEL DEAD. The President of the Mining Exchange Passes Away. Denver Post 3/18/1895 Captain D. I. Ezekiel, President of the Denver Mining Exchange, died at St. Luke's Hospital at 3 p.m. yesterday. On Feb. 16, Captain Ezekiel was seized with convulsive spasms, affecting his face and next. Dr. Parkhill performed an operation on last Tuesday and the skull was trephined over the region of the suspected abscess, and there the physicians found a circumscribed abscess. This was drained and the patient rallied, but the amount of brain tissue affected was so great that it was impossible for him to recover. Captain Ezekiel was born in the city of Cincinnati on the 19th of October, 1842, and at the age of 19 enlisted in the Army. Thirty-one years ago, on the skirmish line opposite Harper's Ferry, Va., he received a wound which eventually caused his death. The bullet lodged in his left lung, a position from which it was never dislodged. In 1878 he settled in Colorado, living in Leadville and other points, but making Denver the center of his operations. He was one of the original men who founded the Denver Mining Exchange and at the last meeting of the Directors, held about a year ago, for the election of officers, was chosen President of the body. The deceased leaves a wife, a brother, three sisters, and numerous friends.
FAIRCHILD, Henry N. FAIRCHILD'S DEATH Bright and Genial Nature Destroyed by Despondency. Rocky Mountain News, 1/7/1895 Harry N. Fairchild died at the insane asylum at Pueblo last evening. The end has been expected by his friends in this city since he was committed to the asylum three weeks ago. His condition at that time was precarious and the physicians did not think that he would long survive. The trial in the county court attracted great attention and the audience was composed of some of the best known politicians in the state. Harry Fairchild was formerly deputy secretary of state under Melvin Edwards. For some time he has been despondent at the failure to pass the bill to pension the prisoners at Andersonville. He endured the horrors of that dungeon for many a wary month and was deeply interested in the act pending before congress for the relief of the veterans who were detained until their exchange could be effected. The first thing that attracted the attention of his friends to the fact that his mind was unbalanced was his appearance at the court house and his inability to find his way about, although he was perfectly familiar with every room and corridor. When the trial was in progress he spent the time in informing the court that "I Harry Nelson Fairchild am the first god of the earth." The scene beggars him to the days when his wit was quick and his perception the brightest, wept at the sad sight. He was know as a generous man and his death will be universally regretted by a wide circle of friends.
FINCKE, Leopold A. GRIEF AT WAYWARDNESS. Leopold Fincke's Suicide Attributed to Sons' Crimes. AFRAID TO TRY ANOTHER YEAR Closing of a Jeweler's Shop During the Day Arouses the Suspicions of Neighbors--Owner Found Dead in a Position that Indicated Terrible Suffering-Morphine the Drug Used--Willfulness of Sons Filled the Old Man Wth Despair. Rocky Mountain News, 1/1/1896 Probably the last suicide of the year was disclosed yesterday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock when Officer Tim Connor discovered the stark and frozen body of Leopold A. Fincke, a jeweler, 56 years of age, in a brick dwelling at the rear of 2742 Larimer Street. Officer Connor found the door of Fincke's dwelling locked and he received no answer to his knocks. At length the officer forced open the door. Upon the floor of the bedroom the officer say the body of the old man, face down, and attired only in under clothing. The limbs ere rigid, the face drawn and the hands tightly clenched, indicating that Fincke had suffered considerably. A sixty-grain bottle of morphine, nearly empty, lay upon the dresser at the side of the bed, and old letters, the contents of which, it seemed, had furnished Fincke with food for reflection before the last act was committed, were scattered about on the floor. All the money found was one cent, which, covered with dust, was picked up in a drawer. A case of repairing tools and a few old watches composed the effects of the deceased. For the past fourteen years Fincke had been the proprietor of the jewelry repairing establishment at 2742 Larimer Street, and his face was a familiar one to residents of that part of the city. The sorrow of the old man's life was caused by the conduct of his sons Lee and Fred. Lee Fincke is now serving a sentence of ninety days in the county jail for attempted burglary. During the latter part of November Lee attempted to enter the store of Lewis , Son & Barrow on Sixteenth Street, and was captured by the police shortly after the attempt. In police circles Lee Fincke is looked on as a desperate thief. He has served two terms at Canon City for daring burglaries. Fred Fincke was arrested in 1887 for highway robbery and was discharged after a trial in the criminal court. Two years ago the wife of Leopold Fincke passed away and the old man was left alone without friends or relations to cheer his advanced years.
FRIENDLY, Louis DEATH OF LOUIS FRIENDLY Rocky Mountain News, 6/2/1895 At a meeting of the Retail Clerks' Union, called for the purpose of taking action upon the death of Brother Friendly, the following resolutions were presented and unanimously adopted. Whereas, An all-wise Providence has seen fit to call from active business life our friend and brother, Mr. Louis Friendly, while still in the prime of life we do sincerely mourn his loss and extend our heartfelt sympathy to his young son, who by his death is left desolate: Resolved, That we drape the banner of this union in mourning for a period of thirty days. Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be sent to the son and published in the daily papers.
GARLAND, Minerva, (Mrs.) PIONEER DEAD Special to The News Rocky Mountain News, 10/3/1895 ELIZABETH, Colo., Oct. 2.,-- Mrs. Minerva Garland died last night at 12 o'clock from typhoid fever, aged 41. Mrs. Garland was an old settler of this county.
GARRETT, Henry DIED WHILE WALKING Carpenter on His Way to Estimate Upon a Building Dies Suddenly of Heart Disease. Rocky Mountain News, 6/4/1895 The death that Henry Garrett, a carpenter, anticipated for nearly a year cut down its victim last night. Garrett was a carpenter and contractor, and he came here from Philadelphia about seven years ago. He lived at 423 14th St. and was unmarried. Eighteen month ago Garrett was attacked by rheumatism which developed into heart disease. Last night Garrett was walking along Logan Avenue with George W. Wilder, of 520 West Colfax Avenue, when he suddenly stopped, placed his hand over his heart and fell forward upon the sidewalk-lifeless. The police were notified and Surgeon Mack was sent to the scene. The remains of Garrett were removed to the morgue. The deceased made his headquarters at the shop of Joe Carvin, 1522 Champa Street. At the time of his death he was accompanying Wilder to the home of Scott Anthony to figure on plans for the erection of a building.
GRAVES, Lucy, (Mrs.) "GRANDMA" GRAVES Death of the First Settler in Clear Creek Valley. Rocky Mountain News, 3/7/1895 At Arvada, on Tuesday last Mrs. Lucy Graves, familiarly known as "Grandma" Graves, passed away in her 70th year. Mrs. Graves was one of Colorado's pioneers. She was the wife of Oliver Graves and thirty-four years ago located with him upon the banks of Clear Creek, building a log house which is still standing. Their humble dwelling was the first habitation built in that portion of Clear Creek Valley. Mrs. Graves was a member of the Methodist Church and through all her life was known for her good deeds and consistent Christian life.
GRAY, August FUNERAL OF ENGINEER GRAY Obsequies of the Brave U. P. Employee Killed in an Accident Rocky Mountain News, 5/28/1895 From Simpson M. E. Church, on Thirty-seventh avenue, between Humboldt and Lafayette, yesterday afternoon occurred the funeral of August Gray, the engineer who was killed on the Union Pacific line near Cheyenne on Tuesday morning. The Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers, of which order the deceased was a member, had charge of the obsequies, and a large crowd assembled to hear the last services. Two weeks ago yesterday, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, Mrs. Mary J. Gray, wife of August Gray, was buried. It was a strange act of Providence that Gray met his death within so short a time after his beloved wife passed into another world. The mother and brother of Gray attended the funeral yesterday, the former coming from Crescent City, Iowa, and the latter from Omaha.
GUNN, Louis M. COMMITTED SUICIDE Special to The News Rocky Mountain News, 8/22/1895 OURAY, Colo., Aug. 21.,--Louis M. Gunn, an Italian miner, committed suicide at the Micky Bree mine this morning by shooting himself through the head. Money and papers to the value of $1,108 was found on his body. He had no known relatives in this country.
HALL, Elbert W. HE BROKE HIS NECK. Elbert W. Hall Dies Under Suspicious Circumstances.
DID DESPONDENCY INDUCE HIM TO TAKE HIS LIFE? New Year's Greeting and the Pleading of a Mother in Far Away Minnesota May Have Filled As Incorrigible with Loathing for His Useless Life--Sudden Termination of a Career of Dissipation that Could Not be Checked. Rocky Mountain News, 1/4/1895 Elbert W. Hall, 35 years of age, met with a sudden and fatal accident last evening at 6:05 o'clock in the rear of Brohm Bros' at 1601 Market Street. Hall fell down a flight of stairs leading into the basement of the building and when the bartender reached the spot a few moments after the fall Hall was dead. At the time of the accident the victim was quite drunk and his sudden death was the end of a dissipated career in which strong drink figured largely to secure his downfall. Hall was employed to sweep out the saloon mornings and for each day's work he received a few drinks of whisky. The whisky was given him instead of money and answered the dame purpose as Hal spent all his available funds for drink. AT 6 o'clock last evening Hall staggered in to the saloon. The bartender, Otto Brohm, said that he was in his usual condition and paid no attention to him. Brohm was speaking to a customer named David Cotter when Hall walked to the rear of the bar room and started to descend the stairs. He tripped and fell, landing heavily upon the cement paving below. The bartender and Cotter went to the head of the stairs and saw Hall below lying in a pool of blood. They picked him up but life was already extinct. In Hall's pockets were found two letters written to him by his other, Mrs. S. A. Out, who lives at 327 Jackson Street, Mankota, Minn. One of the letters, dated December 31, was received yesterday. This letter enclosed $1 and some postage stamps, a New Year's gift to Hall from his loving parent. The letter was full of loving wishes such as only a mother can express and concludes with the following: "Will close with a New Year's greeting, and I hope the time will come when I can greet my dear son with a mother's love." In the other letter the mother expresses a hope that her son make an effort to control his appetite for drink. Hall probably spent the dollar for drinks. In his trousers' pockets were found two copper cents, a beer check, a pipe and some tobacco. It was hinted that he deliberately committed suicide--that he became despondent and disgusted with his life and after receiving a letter from home decided to end his miserable existence. There were no eye witnesses to the accident and it is quite possible that when midway down the stairs Hall made a grim determination to leap into the unknown. Deceased had lived in Denver many years. He was unmarried and some time ago he worked for Hilderbrand & Co., a Market street assaying firm. He was employed at the Foster Printing Company on Lawrence Street, near Nineteenth, for some time feeding a press, and of late he did odd jobs about the place. He occupied a room over the Foster Printing Company. Last night Undertaker Rogers notified Mrs. Out by telegraph of her son's death.
HANLEY, Thomas H. "Tom" Hanley is Dead. Denver Post, 7/5/1895 Thomas H. Hanley, one of the best known sporting men in Denver, died yesterday after a lingering illness of nearly a year. He was a member of the Denver lodge of Elks and his funeral will occur on Sunday under their auspices. Hanley was 45 years of age and leaves no family.
HANSON, Olaus DROPPED DEAD A Farmer Near Greeley Dies Suddenly of Heart Disease. Special to The News Rocky Mountain News, 8/14/1895 GREELEY, Colo., Aug. 13.--Olaus Hanson, who in partnership with Swan Peterson, farms two eighty acre farms, the property of Mr. Wilcox and W. A. Adams of this city respectively, and lives about thirteen miles southwest of Greeley, dropped dead about 7 o'clock this morning, while in the field at his work. About three years ago Mr. Hanson had a severe attack of typhoid fever and have never enjoyed good health since, occasionally having trouble with his heart and it is supposed to have been heart trouble that caused his death. After eating a hearty breakfast he went to the field to help harvest the barley crop when he was suddenly taken away. The deceased is a native of Sweden, being born in that country in 1847, but has been in this country seventeen years and has spent eight years of this time in Colorado. He leaves a brother, Carl, near this city, and a sister, Mrs. Anna Rossell of Greeley, besides an aged father who is in his native country. Coroner Macey viewed the remains this afternoon and came to the conclusion that an inquest was unnecessary. The funeral will probably take place tomorrow at Hillsboro.
HAUSER, Damian BURIAL OF DAMIAN HAUSER Mason and Knights Templar Conduct Impressive Obsequies. Rocky Mountain News, 6/27/1895 The funeral services of Damian Hauser were conducted from his late residence at 414 Emerald Avenue at 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon, the Rev. Pettibone of the Boulevard Congregational Church officiating. The deceased was one of the oldest Masons in the United States, having been a member of the fraternity for more than sixty years. At the time of his death he was in the 93rd year of his age. He had been a resident of Denver for twenty years, and was widely known and esteemed for his many excellent qualities of mind and heart. The funeral services were conducted by Highlands Lodge, No. 86, A. F. and A. M., Colorado commandry, No. 1, K. T., acting as an escort. The pall bearers were selected from members of the fraternity as follows: George Lease, Allison Stocker, J. F. Walley, John Kountze, P. J. Sours and Peter Ferill. Interment took place at Fairmount Cemetery.
HORTON, Joseph T. CAUGHT IN A SLIDE Joseph T. Horton, a Widely Known Miner, Killed in an Old Mine in Mexico. Rocky Mountain News, 5/26/1895 Joseph T. Horton, a miner widely known in Colorado, was killed on the 15th inst. in a mine located in the state of Durango, Mex. He was engaged in the exploration of some abandoned workings, when an immense mass of loose rocks, timbers and dry dirt came down on him and buried him many feet. The accident was discovered almost immediately and heroic efforts were made for Horton's rescue. This was almost accomplished, when a second terrific slide of the same material occurred. Day and night, for forty-eight hours, the work of excavating went on before the lifeless body of Horton was reached. Perhaps no miner in the state of Colorado was more widely known or more universally respected than Joe Horton. He was a native of Nova Scotia, and came from Boston to Colorado in the early 70's. He engaged in mining first at Georgetown. With the beginning of the Leadville excitement he went there and for a number of years acted as foreman of underground work on the Brecce Iron mine and others. He was afterward prominently connected with mine leases and development work at Robinson, Aspen, Fulford and other camps. Last fall A. W. Geist, manager of the Velardena Mining Company at the town of the same name, in the state of Durango, Mex., secured his services in a trusted position in the mines of that company. He was a man who made friends everywhere and all over Colorado men who knew him will regret his death.
JOHNSON, Charles E. DEATH OF A BANK CLERK Rocky Mountain News, 8/22/1895 Charles E. Johnson, who was formerly connected with the Colorado National Bank, died yesterday at his residence on Marion Street. Johnson became ill about a year ago and was compelled to give up his place at the bank. His condition gradually became worse until he died. He came to this city nearly fifteen years ago and leaves a wife and child.
JOHNSON, Franklin FRANK JOHNSON'S DEATH The Unfortunate Young Man Was Well Known in Denver Denver Post 1/10/1895 Franklin Johnson, who was killed for the purpose of robbery at Monte Carlo several days ago, was well known in this city. He was a cousin of Harry W. Hawley, the owner of the Denver "Times," and was the son of the president of the First National Bank of Boonville, New York. He was for a time telegraph editor on the "Times" and was one of the most popular young men in Denver. Mr. Hawley, who is now the owner of the Chicago "times," and who is in this city on a visit, was very much shocked at the young man's death when seen this morning. "Frank Johnson was the most companionable man I have ever known," said Mr. Hawley. "Although he was an invalid most of his life, I never heard him express the slightest feeling of resentment, however much irritated. He was as interesting and instructive as an associate as he was delightful. In spite of his ill-health, he had read assiduously from early boyhood and possessed a wider range of useful information than most men of twice his age. When only a boy he was able to discuss scientific and ethical questions as ably as men of learning and I never spent an hour in his company without wondering how he found time to acquire the great fund of knowledge which was always at his command and which was always applicable to any question that was introduced. Ill-health alone prevented him from attaining a conspicuous position in any profession he might have entered."
Well Known Business Man Leaves Cripple Creek in a Happy Frame of Mind, and While His Companions Were Wrapped in Dreams He enters the Last Long Sleep--Robust Yet Afflicted with a Serious Maladay. Rocky Mountain News, 12/6/1895 John M. Kinkade, the well known real estate man of Denver, was found dead in a berth of the Rio Grande sleeper Chipeta early yesterday morning. The surroundings indicated that Mr. Kinkade had taken his own life. Mr. Kinkade took dinner with Mr. Hart of the Hart Carpet Company in Cripple Creek last night and appeared in the best of humors. He talked hopefully of the camp and of his own plans for going into business there. Later he took the Rio Grande train for Denver. No particular notice was taken of him during the evening or night. About midnight the occupant of an adjoining berth heard a sound like the sudden jarring of the train or the dropping of something heavy on the floor. He was awakened by the noise, but hearing nothing further, dropped asleep again. Shortly after 7 o'clock the porter of the car discovered blood on the floor in front of the section occupied by Mr. Kinkade. He thrust the curtain aside and found the cause of it. A hole in the head about an inch above the right ear showed where a bullet had been fired into his brain a corresponding hole directly opposite over the left ear showing the bullet's exit. In Mr. Kinkade's right hand was a 38-caliber revolver, with one empty chamber. The case was evidently one of suicide and at the time of discovery the man had been dead several hours. Conductor Shepard telegraphed the coroner in Denver to meet the train. When the train reached Denver the body was taken in charge by relatives and moved to the undertaking establishment of Waters & Simpson. Sized With Pain In retiring, Mr. Kinkade had not undressed but had taken off his hat and overcoat. The body lay in a position indicating that overtaken by one of his attacks of pain, he had lain down for relief. Death was instantaneous. No one on the train knew the deceased and his identity was established by letters and cards found in his pockets. John M. Kinkade was born in Virginia and was about 60 years of age. When a young man he removed to Iowa, coming to Denver fifteen years ago and engaging in the real estate business in which he has been active ever since. For a number of years he was a member of the firm of Kinkade & Reed and occupied an office at 1643 Champa Street. Later he has been alone, and just before he went on his last hunting trip, about three months ago, he gave up his office and moved his books to the office of Frank I. Willsea. Lately he had conceived a desire to go into business at Cripple Creek, and his trip was taken to that camp with that object in view. Letters received last night by his daughter, Mrs. Simpson, and his step-son, Mr. Waters, were of an unusually cheerful nature. For several years he has been a sufferer from acute kidney troubles. The pains accompanying his attacks have been intense and have at times incapacitated him for business. He has also been troubled with rushing of blood to his head, an attack of the later about three weeks ago seriously threatening him with congestion of the brain. In physique he was large and apparently robust, his powerful frame showing no trace of the disease that made his life miserable. Some three months ago he had a fearful attack of his malady, but his outdoor life on a hunting trip seemed to have helped him. He had been married twice, having six children alive by his first wife. Five of the children are boys, three of them in business in Denver, one in Chicago and one whose present address is unknown. His daughter is the wife of George Simpson. Private Life Most Pleasant The member of his family say that the family life has always been of the most pleasant description. Mr. Kinkade being of a genial disposition and drawing to him those who daily associated with him. The only known possible cause for his act is that a severe attack of his malady must have come upon him as he was about to retire. He lay down to get ease from rest, but the pain kept up, unsettling his mind for the time being and leading him to take his life. His large circle of business acquaintances are at a loss to understand his act, unless it was in some such manner, as it is not known that he was in any way pinched for money. The hour of the funeral has not yet been decided upon. There is some doubt as to which county--Arapahoe, Douglas or El Paso--the suicide occurred in, but the inquest will probably be held by the coroner of the former. Attorney Willsea appeared before Judge Palmer in the District Court yesterday afternoon as attorney for John M. Kinkade, who was assignee for H. R. McClelland, and called the attention of the court to the death of the assignee. The court ordered the attorney to notify the creditors of McClelland to meet on December 16 and select a new assignee. The estate in question involves about $18,000.
KUSLER, MRS. LORETTA Town Talk Denver Post, 1/10/1895 The death of Mrs. Loretta Kusler, which occurred last Saturday morning at 2126 Lawrence St., was investigated yesterday by the coroner. The verdict was that her death resulted from an overdose of morphine administered hypodermically by Dr. Bullard of Twentieth and Larimer Streets.
LAWSON, Thomas KILLED IN A MINE Special to The News Rocky Mountain News 8/22/1895 CRIPPLE CREEK, Colo., Aug 21.--Thomas Lawson, aged 24 years, was instantly killed in the Pike's Peak mine at an early hour this morning. He fell from the third to the firth level, through the shaft, a distance of 170 feet. The deceased leaves a wife and two young children. The remains will be taken to Colorado Springs, his old home, for burial.
LEWIS, Flora E., (Mrs.) MARRIAGES, BIRTHS, DEATHS DEATHS Rocky Mountain News, 9/22/1895 LEWIS--Mrs. Flora E. Lewis died on Friday afternoon, Sept. 20, at 4:45 at the home of her uncle, John R. Ewan, Larchland, Ill. The mother, Mrs. A. J. Lewis, and eldest brother of the deceased, Mr. A. D. Lewis, started east Friday night to bring her remains to Denver for burial. Announcement of the funeral will be made later. Friends are invited.
LIVERMORE, Edward EDWARD LIVERMORE DIES Denver Post, 3/7/1895 Edward Livermore, who was for many years employed in the establishment of Daniels & Fisher and who was well known in local theatrical circles, died at the home of his uncle, Joseph Wolffe, at Boulder, Tuesday morning.
LYONS, Father FATHER LYONS' FUNERAL Remains of the Late Pastor of St. Mary's Cathedral Laid to Rest in Mount Olivet. Rocky Mountain News, 6/4/1895 The remains of Father Lyons, the deceased pastor of St. Mary's Cathedral, were laid to rest yesterday morning in Mount Olivet Cemetery, after appropriate services in the cathedral. The office of the dead began at 9 a. m., being recited by all the clergymen present. At 9:15 began solemn high mass of requiem, the celebrant being Vicar General Robinson, assisted by Rev. Frank Sullivan and Rev. M. Callanan, deacon and sub-deacon. Rev. P. A. Philliris was master of ceremonies. In the sanctuary the following clergy were present: Revs. William O'Ryan, J. P. Carrigan, J. F. Gibbons, W. J. Kelly, M. J. McCarthy, J. Cummings, M. J. Ward, B. F. Logan, O. P. W. A. Harrigan, O.P Kerman, O.P, Holland, S. J.;Bruker, S. J. Schiffini, S. J. Esequiere: S. J.: Plus Manx, O. S. F; Bond, C. S. S. R. The sermon was delivered by Rev. J. P. Carrigan of St. Patricks' Church. During the impressive services the church was crowded. A special train conveyed the remains to Mount Olivet, the services at the grave being conducted by the vicar general. The clergymen present ranged around the grave and sang in solemn tones the "Benedictus", at the close of the services each throwing a handful of earth into the grave, saying "Remember man, that thou art dust and unto dust thou shalt return." A special choir, consisting of some of the finest singers in the city added much to the rendition of the services and to the solemnity of the occasion.
MAGUIRE, Mrs. P. J. Rocky Mountain News, 2/4/1895 MOTHER’S SAD DEATH A sad death occurred in Highlands Friday night. Mrs. P. J. Maguire, who lived on Fifth between Scott and Murdock Street, died of pneumonia after having given birth to a boy and a girl a week before. The family lived in a tent and during confinement Mrs. Maguire contracted the disease which caused her death. Her husband is a painter and has six children left to care for. The funeral occurred this afternoon.
MARLOW, Den DEN MARLOW SERIOUSLY ILL. Rocky Mountain News, 10/13/1895 Den Marlow, one of the best known of the oldtimers in the newspaper business of the state, is seriously ill at 2336 Logan Avenue. The attending physician stated last night that he could hardly live until morning, the cause being Bright's disease. In 1869 he learned the trade of type-setting on the old Central Register, and for the last fifteen or sixteen years has been connected with the Register-Call of that city. In the early days of the state he was one of its foremost men.
Fatal Accident to a Pumpman at Leadville. Special to The News Rocky Mountain News, 11/24/1895 LEADVILLE, Colo., Nov. 23.--J. W. Marshall, a pump man at No. 3 shaft Jonny Mine, was fatally injured this morning and died soon afterward. He was clearing debris out of the water about the shaft timbers and was in a stooping posture. As he was in this position, with his knees doubled up bending over gathering up the debris, the cage came down. As is customary the cage man shouted: "Look out below," when about ten feet from the bottom. It is evident that Marshall heard the cry, for he apparently rose up, but losing his balance fell into the cage way, but it would appear from his position, he had made an effort to leap across to the other side where the other station is, but the cage caught the body and it was crushed to the bottom.
McCormick, J. B. Richards, Judge Norman P. Rocky Mountain News, 5/26/1895 Death of J. B. McCormick and Judge Norman P. Richards in Pueblo. Special to The News. PUEBLO, Colo., May 26—Two of the old residents of Pueblo County died early this morning within three hours, John B. McCormick and Judge Norman P. Richards. Mr. McCormick was born in Baltimore in 1823, enlisted in the Seventh Iowa infantry in 1861, and was mustered out at the close of the war as a major. In 1867 he came to Pueblo County and had lived here ever since, occupying the same house in East Pueblo for twenty-two years. He served as alderman, and was at one time acting mayor. He became an Odd Fellow in 1844 and held the highest positions in the Colorado order. A year ago, the fiftieth anniversary of his initiation was celebrated at Denver. The funeral will be held Wednesday afternoon under the auspices of the Odd Fellows and the G. A. R. Stomach troubles and a combination of diseases caused his death after an illness of three months. He leaves a widow and seven children. Ex-Judge Norman P. Richards of the county court was born in Maine in 1820, and his boyhood was spent on the sea. He studied law and came to Colorado in 1860, locating at Denver, where he lived for ten years, engaging in the practice of his profession. He was county judge here from 1875-1879. Neuralgia of the stomach caused his death after a brief illness. He leaves a widow and one son, A. E. Richards. Judge Richards was a Knight Templar and a thirty-second degree Mason, and that order will take charge of his funeral tomorrow afternoon.
SEIZED WITH HEMORRHAGE. Invalid from Boston Dies at Rocky Mountain Lake. Rocky Mountain News, 7/5/1895 A man named McDonough, a consumptive, who lately came to the city from Boston, died suddenly yesterday afternoon while attending the Union Catholic picnic at Rocky Mountain Lake. McDonough attended the picnic with a friend, and a few minutes before he was stricken down remarked that he was feeling better than usual, and was glad that he had come. While walking around the lake he was suddenly taken with a hemorrhage. The blood, gushed in a torrent from his mouth, and he literally choked to death. Rev. Father Sullivan happened to be near and gave the dying man absolution, but death came within a few moments. The remain were taken charge of by Undertaker Horan and were removed to his establishment. The man..(illegible) in Denver and his relatives in Boston were notified.
McMILLIAN, Noble, (Mr.& Mrs.) Special to The News Rocky Mountain News, 1/4/1895 GREELEY, Colo., Jan. 3.--Mr. and Mrs. Noble McMillian, who live on their ranch north of Windsor, were brought to grief yesterday morning when Mrs. McMillan went to uncover her infant child, to find it a corpse. The neighbors were at once summoned was sent to Coroner Marcy of this city and that official, after an investigation of the circumstances, decided that an inquest was unnecessary. The little one had been ailing for a few days past, but it was not regarded as in any sense dangerously ill, but a simple cold being suspected. The death of the little one was peculiarly shocking to the parents.
MC MILLIAN, Samuel Special to The News Rocky Mountain News 5/23/1895 TRINIDAD, Colo., May 22--The funeral occurred this afternoon from the Trinity Episcopal Church and was attended by a large concourse of friends. The Las Animas lodge No. 28, A. F. & A. M., the ladies of Trinidad chapter, O. E. S. and the Sir Knights of Oriental commandery, No. 18 in full uniform, of which the deceased was a member, escorted the remains to their final resting place in the Masonic Cemetery.
MILLER, Giles Special To The News Rocky Mountain News, 10/25/1895 LONGMONT, Colo., Oct. 24-- Giles Miller, a prominent citizen of Longmont died at 1 o'clock this morning. The funeral will occur from the house Friday, at 2 o'clock. For forty years Mr. Miller has been an ardent worker in the church and temperance cause. He was elected a member of the town board of trustees on the anti-license ticket April 1891. April 1893 was elected police magistrate, and again elected to that office in 1895, which he filled until he was taken sick 2 months ago.
MINNIHAN, John J. JOHN J. MINNIHAN DEAD. Special to The News. Rocky Mountain News, 1/5/1895 COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo., Jan. 4--John J. Minnihan, commercial agent of the Rock Island at this place for the past three years, died of consumption Thursday. The remains were sent to New York yesterday. Mr. Minnihan was 38 years of age. He leaves a wife and one child.
MONTAGUE, Richard, (Dr.) DEATH OF DR. MONTAGUE. Special to The News Rocky Mountain News, 7/26/1895 COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo.,-- July 25.--A telegram was received in this city today from Newton Center, Miss., announcing the death of Rev. Dr. Richard Montague, formerly pastor of the First Baptist Church here, and for years the best known minister of this city. He left here two years ago hoping to benefit his health in a lower climate. He was one of the leading Baptist ministers of the United States.
MOREY, Arthur DRAGGED TO DEATH Special to The News Rocky Mountain News, 12/31/1894 Ordway, Colo., Dec. 30.-- This little village was this evening thrown into excitement when it was made known that Arthur Morey, a boy of 14 years, who had been in the employ of D. C. Roberts, had gone to drive the cows from pasture and at a late hour had failed to return. Search was instituted by about a dozen men with lanterns, who found him a mangled mass. When the body was found it had about five feet of rope drawn so tight around it that it was with difficulty that it was released. It is supposed he tied the rope halter about his body and he was dragged to death by the stallion he rode.
NELSON, Joe DROWNED IN CLEAR CREEK Special to The News Rocky Mountain News 6/5/1895 FORKS CREEK, Colo., June 4.--Joe Nelson, an employee of the Roscoe Mining Company, while attempting to cross a log over the creek, became dizzy, lost his balance and was hurled into the water. At the exact date and hour 2:30 p. m. just one year ago, the section boss at this place drowned at the same spot and in the same manner. The character of the creek at that point is constricted, rolly, swift and deep, with high bluffs. Nelson was originally from Germany and was about 40 years of age. He had worked for the Roscoe Mining Company about three weeks. The mining company has a dozen or more men stationed from Roscoe to Golden in search of the body. At last accounts the creek had not divulged its victim.
NELSON, Knute Special to The News Rocky Mountain News, 7/18/1895 TWO FUNERALS GREELEY, Colo., July 17.--Two of Colorado's pioneers were laid to rest this afternoon in Lynn Grove cemetery. Knute Nelson, one of Colorado's forty-niners, who died Monday after an illness of over two years, was buried by Forest City lodge No. 14, A. O. U. W., of which he was a member, the funeral services being held in the First Presbyterian Church, Rev. W. G. Clark, pastor of the Baptist Church officiating. The funeral services of Mrs. Stanton, who came to Colorado in 1870, and departed this life early yesterday morning, were held at her late residence, 1013 9th Street, this afternoon at 2:30 o'clock.
NELSON, R. H. DEATHS Rocky Mountain News 2/3/1895 NELSON, R. H., Sr., postmaster at Littleton, died Friday at 12 o'clock, aged 48 years. Mr. Nelson has been a long sufferer of lung trouble. He came to this country for his health some years ago. He leaves a wife and one son. The funeral will take place on Sunday, February 3, at 2 p.m., from his residence in Littleton. New York City and New London, Conn., papers please copy.
NEWBERGER, Blanche BRIGHT GIRL SUICIDES One of the Most Advanced Pupils of Gilpin School Takes Her Own Life. Rocky Mountain News, 6/30/1895 In a fit of sulky temper after having been reproved by her mother for a slight offense, Blanche Newberger, the 15-year-old daughter of Mrs. H. Newberger of 3214 Humboldt Street, ended her young life yesterday morning by swallowing the contents of a bottle of carbolic acid. It was about 11 o'clock when Blanche was reproved by her mother for reading a a paper when she should have been doing something else that her mother had commanded. The little girl, ordinarily pleasant and genial, sulked around for a little while, when she went down into the cellar. Her mother heard her crying and moaning a few moments later and running down was horrified to find her little daughter frothing at the mouth, her eyes glazing and in the last agonies of death. The wild cries of the frightened mother attracted the attention of the neighbors, and although all that was possible was done Blanche was cold before the doctors, hastily summoned, could arrive. The mother was completely overcome by the shock and had also to be carried from the cellar and is prostrated with grief over the deplorable affair. The coroner was called and made a brief examination but decided that an inquest was not necessary, as the cause of death was evident. Mrs. Sheye, an aunt, and Mr. S. Friedenthal a brother of the deceased girl, were sent for and took charge of the house and of the remains. The funeral will take place from the house tomorrow afternoon. Mr. Newberger, the father of the little girl, died in Virginia City, Nev., about two years ago and about a year and a half ago the family moved to Denver. Five months ago Mrs. Newberger buried a 3 year-old son, and has only one daughter, 13 years old left. Blanche was ordinarily of good disposition, but was subject to fits of violent temper. It was during one of these fits when the child was probably not in a sensible condition that she committed her awful act. She was first in her class in the eighth grade of the Gilpin School and would have entered the high school in the fall.
A USELESS STRUGGLE Mary Ormsby Ends a Life of Sorrow and Trouble.
The Unfortunate Woman, With Poverty Continually Knocking at Her Door, Finally Grew Weary of Living--She Might Have Been Saved if Prompt Measure Had Been Used--The Interesting Story of Her Life. Denver Post, 4/5/1895 Mrs. Mary Ormsby, aged 41 years, committed suicide at 5 o'clock last evening by swallowing two ounces of laudanum at her home, 2057 Lawrence Street. Mrs. Ormsby became despondent over her husband being out of employment and certain family troubles forced the woman to commit her rash act. Mr. Ormsby, who is employed on the city ditch, returned home about 3:30 o'clock in the afternoon and found the doors of his home locked. His wife responded to his rapping and told him to go to a side door. On entering the house his wife received him affectionately and he retired to the bedroom to rest while Mrs. Ormsby prepared the evening meal. Before retiring he asked his wife to prepare the supper as soon as possible as he was very hungry. Ormsby laid down on the bed and his wife returned to the kitchen. He went to sleep and was awakened by his wife's heavy breathing. She was lying by his side. Inquiring the cause of her sudden illness she failed to answer and fell into a heavy sleep from which her husband could not arouse her. Fearful that his wife was dying Mr. Ormsby summoned the family of Mr. Morrison, who resides next door. Mr. Morrison and his daughter Nellie went to the bedside of the dying woman and succeeded in arousing her. Miss Morrison asked her the nature of her illness and she said: "Nellie, I have taken a bottle full of laudanum. Let me sleep for five minutes. Oh, I am so sick." Ormsby rushed from the house for a physician. After some time he returned with Dr. Meuer, whose office is at the rear of the drug store at the corner of Nineteenth and Larimer streets. When the doctor arrived, the woman was fast sinking, and the wild glaring eyes and diminished eyeballs at once indicated morphine or opium poisoning. He suggested that strong coffee and plenty of exercise would work off the effects of the poison. With this suggestion he left the house. Police Surgeon Johnson, who was called in later, arrived at 8:30 o'clock and found the woman in a critical condition. She was weak from the effects of the poisonous drug and demanded heroic remedies. A stomach pump and antidotes were used, but after a night of suffering all efforts failed and she expired at 4:30 o'clock this morning. Dr. Johnson remained with the dying woman all night, but she never recovered consciousness. After her death the following interesting letter in a bold masculine hand was found in the kitchen, scribbled on a pad. "I am about to end a useless life. OK. I cannot take the life of my poor child. God be merciful to her. I am not fit to take care of her. She has a good disposition, but I am ruining it. Surely I ought to take her with me. She will have to rough this world amongst strangers. Had I kept my promise to her this never would have happened. She knows my promise, poor pet. Had I been a good mother and taught right she would have made a good woman. Oh, pray God it is not too late." "I blame no one but myself. Poor Joe tried to reform me; he is not to blame. I cannot live any longer. What few friends I have I am past saving. Clara will be better without such a mother as I." "I have tried and tried to be good and temperate; as soon as I was prosperous I would fall again. My poor Clara, there is good in her; surely some good woman will take care of her, for I am useless. God forgive me. To all my friends I say good bye." Mrs. Ormsby was writing this letter when her husband returned from work in the afternoon. At that time he knocked on the kitchen door, but was requested to go around to the side door. When he retired it is thought the letter was completed. It is not known at what time she took the poison but Mr. Ormsby is of the impression that the drug was taken by her a few minutes before she retired to bed beside him. The empty bottle was found later by Mrs. Ormsby's 14 year old daughter in the ash pit at the rear of the house. The label was scratched from the bottle, and it could not be learned where the drug had been purchased. Inquiries among the neighboring drug stores failed to show that they had sold any laudanum at a recent date. Mrs. Ormsby was a native of the Ilse of Man. She was highly educated and comes from a wealthy and respected English family. Her maiden name was Whalen, and in 1870 she married a roving sailor named Quine. He was an Englishman by birth and married Miss Whalen against her parents' wishes. In the year 1874 Mr. and Mrs. Quine came to America. The family came West fifteen years ago and the husband followed the profession of cook. A daughter blessed the union and the husband and wife lived happy. The family finally located in Rawlins, Wyo. Here the sailor cook followed his profession. One day he found himself out of employment and the little fund that had been laid away for a rainy day soon vanished with the prolonged illness of the only child. To obtain a living for his family Quine was obliged to leave Rawlins in search of employment. He was successful and each week sent to his family, who remained in Rawlins, his earnings. After an absence of some months he was suddenly summoned home on account of the dangerous illness of his daughter. With heavy heart he left La Junta and started to join his family. Arriving at Rawlins, he found his devoted wife at the station. Jumping from the train before it stopped he was thrown beneath the wheels. The accident cost the devoted father his life and he died shortly after. Mother and child were alone in the world and came to Denver a short time after the husband's death. In Denver the widowed wife labored hard to support and rear the child, which was frail and delicate. Ten years ago John J. Ormsby became acquainted with Mrs. Quine and after a short courtship married her. Ormsby was not over industrious and his dissipating habits did not allow him to provide a very good home for the family. He did not retain a position long on account of his habits and this condition compelled Mrs. Ormsby, many times to earn for herself and child sufficient money to provide the necessaries of life. Ormsby has been out of employment for a number of months and only last Monday started to work. Among the dead woman's neighbors she is spoken of in the highest praise. Mrs. Borrison, who resides next door to the afflicted household said: "She was a good wife. Yesterday she did her washing and when she came in during the morning she appeared happy and was pleased that her husband had again obtained work." "I did not see her after dinner and I am at loss to understand the cause for her rash act." Mrs. Ormsby has a sister named Pratt, who resides somewhere in Kansas. Coroner Martin was notified, and removed the body to the morgue.
PALTON, Miles MILE PALTON DEAD Rocky Mountain News, 12/31/1894 Special to the News CENTRAL CITY, Colo.,Dec. 30--Miles Palton, a '59er and a resident of Clear Creek County, died this morning at the residence of ex-Mayor Samuel I. Lorah. He was one of the first to find a fortune in California Gulch near Leadville, afterwards locating in this city. He was unmarried and leaves quite an estate. The funeral will occur Tuesday, January 1, from the First Presbyterian Church in this city at l o'clock.
POLK, DANIEL DANIEL POLK DEAD. Another Pioneer Gone to His Last Account. Rocky Mntn News,8/21/1895 One by one death claims the pioneer settlers of Denver. The last to succumb to the call is Daniel Polk, who died at his residence, 105 South Broadway, at 9:30 Sunday evening. Mr. Polk's demise is attributed to paralysis, of which he was a victim for the past two years. He leaves two daughters to mourn his loss, Mrs. Herman Ruff, and Mrs. Alice Polk Hill. Mr. Polk was 79 years old and one of Denver's earliest settlers, coming here in 1873. His residence on South Broadway is one of the landmarks of the city, being constructed by him immediately after his arrival and having been occupied by him continuously ever since. A curious coincidence connected with his death, is that just one year ago his wife died after a lingering illness. Her demise nearly killed Mr. Polk, who lay at the point of death for several weeks after her death. Mr. Polk, having been a resident of Denver for the past twenty-five years, acquired considerable property, which he held up to the time of his death. His Broadway residence, which is now in the business center of that portion of the city, was up till within twelve years ago utilized as a sort of ranch house. He was closely related to the famous Polk families of Tennessee and Kentucky; and a man who commanded the respect of all. The funeral will take place from his late residence Tuesday, at 2 o'clock with interment at Riverside.
REINERT, W. F. FUNERAL OF REINERT Comrades and Relatives of the Late Mining Man lay His Remains to Rest: Rocky Mntn News, 8/12/1895 To the sound of music, and attended by the loved ones of his family and the comrades of his lodge, the remains of W. F. Reinert were laid in their last resting place yesterday afternoon. The funeral ceremonies at the residence 1216 Race Street were conducted by Rev. Dr. Warner of Christ M. E. Church, and the music was by the choir of that church. The clergyman read a chapter from the Bible, and made a short address, followed by prayer. The choir sang three familiar hymns. The house was filled with a mass of beautiful blossoms, the gifts of living friends, who thus paid the last tribute of respect in the only way possible. Many of them were from friends at a distance. The most elaborate piece was a shield and anchor composed of white roses, carnations and sweet peas, from the Mining Exchange. The pall bearers ere all members of lodge No. 41, K. of P. They were Messrs. C. C. Cochran, C. T. Ward, A. D. Bishop, Milton Smith, S. L. Haycox, Charles Bleibel. The entire lodge marched in procession to the car line, where a special car took them to Fairmont. At the grave the rites were under the charge of the K. of P., Rev. Mr. Boyd officiating.
RICHARDS, Norman P. (Judge) see obit under *McCormick, J. B.
RUSSELL, A. J. DEATH OF A PIONEER A. J. Russell, Who Crossed the Plains in 1858, Dies in Alaska. Special to The News Rocky Mountain News, 7/10/1895 CENTRAL CITY, Colo., July 9,--News reached here today by letter of the death of a former well known resident of Gilpin and Arapahoe Counties, that of A. J. Russell, who crossed the plains in the fall of 1858. His death occurred at Sitka, Alaska, on May 14 last. Deceased was one of the first pioneers in that territory, having located there soon after it was acquired by accession from Russia through the instrumenting of Secretary Seward. He has relatives living in this county who received the news of his death.
SOMUELSON, E. August DEATH WAS WELCOME A Despondent Swedish Cook Takes His Own Life
Found Dying in a Lawrence Street Lodging Home From Wounds Inflicted on Himself With a Razor--He Calls Loudly for His Sweetheart, Who Suddenly Disappears-A Peculiar Note Left by the Deceased. Denver Post, 1/10/1895 The slumbering occupants of the lodging house, 1428 Lawrence Street, formerly the Hotel Logan, were rudely awakened at 4 o'clock this morning by the shrill and agonizing screams of a human being evidently in acute distress. Again and again the unknown sufferer cried "Where is my sweetheart? I want my sweetheart." These appeals finally brought a number of the tenants to room 16, on the top story of the building, occupied by E. August Somuelson, a love stricken Swede. A gory and disgusting sight met the eyes of the intruders. Partially disrobed, Somuelson lay on a rude pallet, blood stained and soiled, with the blood issuing from his throat and wrist at every gasp. An open razor lay on the floor, where it had been hurled after Somuelson had attempted his life. Although the wounded man was apparently then not fatally hurt, he was terribly excited and talked incoherently. He kept calling for his sweetheart, pointing to the next room, which he said she occupied. Perhaps desiring to shield her, he reused to divulge her name, yet his piteous appeals did not disturb the woman for love of whom the foreigner had sought death. After the tenants of the block had fully gratified their curiosity one of the spectators, Joseph Tittel, summoned police assistant Surgeon Walker, responding. He found his patient suffering greatly from loss of blood, which welled from two jagged wounds in the neck. Each extended a distance of fully two inches but both were shallow. A third gash had been inflicted on the left wrist. Surgeon Walker, however, regarded Somelson's wounds as not necessarily fatal, and when later apprised of his death, expressed the belief that he had poisoned himself prior to slashing his throat with the razor. The Swede, after receiving necessary attention, was removed to the county hospital, but became unconscious en route and died shortly after admission. August Somuelson located in the block in which he attempted his life on the evening of December 4. He was accompanied by a rather good looking woman of 30, Mrs. May Locke. The pair were very intimate and occupied adjoining rooms. Somuelson, who is a cook and recently idle, passed last evening in sharpening a collection of knives that would do credit to a wholesale hardware store. He left the cutlery exposed in his room, and went out early. Prior to leaving his room the desperate cook evidently premeditate killing himself as the following illiterate note would signify. The production was placed conspicuously on his wash stand, evidently to inform his sweetheart should she visit his room during his absence," I will retire from my troubles in Denver at tu oclock to nite. good Bey, Good Bey." When Somuelson returned to his room no one knows, but he had evidently been drinking as an empty half-pint bottle of whisky was found among the gory debris of his room. Before using the razor the love-lorn cook artistically draped his sweetheart's photo and his own with a white handkerchief. He had evidently struggled madly in his agony, as the wall adjoining his couch was spattered with blood. Mrs. May Locke, the alleged sweetheart of the unfortunate Swede, evidently did not love her admirer too intently. Although in an adjoining room, she did not respond to the piteous appeals, and remained calmly in bed. When interviewed by Acting Police Surgeon Walker, the woman refused to discuss the tragedy, but very excitedly appealed to the surgeon to prevent her name from appearing in newspapers. Fearing unpleasant interrogations from alert reporters, Mrs. Locke departed from the block soon after the form of her dying lover was borne away. Her present whereabouts are unknown.
SHELDON, E. R. Rocky Mountain News, 10/23/1895 SANTA FE, N. M. Oct. 22-- E. R. Sheldon, the Denver young man who lost his money at faro and took morphine Sunday night, died shortly after 8 o'clock last night. The body was buried here this afternoon in response to a telegram from Dr. F. F. Wade of Denver.
SMITH, James TORN TO PIECES James Smith Killed by a Mountain Lion Special to The News Rocky Mountain News, 11/26/1895 BOULDER, Colo., Nov. 25.--On Saturday evening last the body of James Smith, (know as Smithy), a prospector, was found about fifteen miles northwest of Jamestown on the trail leading from Long's peak to Boulder. Smith was and Englishman by birth and had been living alone in a cabin owned by E. H. Evans, proprietor of the Evans hotel, Jamestown, and was custodian of the ranch and buildings. He was last seen Nov. 4, by Samuel J. Evans and party at the ranch. The old man had been a great sufferer from Bright's disease and at times the pains were so intensely severe that he was compelled to lie down and while in this position it is supposed that a mountain lion sprang upon him tearing him to pieces. When found all the front portion of the body was eaten from the face to the lower portion of the legs, the right limb being fractured by the animal's huge teeth marks of which could be seen in several places. Around the waist was found the cartridge belt filled with cartridges ready for use and by his side lay his rifle, which had not been discharged. Coroner Terse was notified and left for Jamestown Sunday morning when he made a thorough examination and concluded not to hold an inquest. The remains were buried yesterday afternoon at Jamestown, which was attended by all the people in the camp.
SOLOMON, John POLICEMAN SOLOMON'S FUNERAL Special to The News Rocky Mountain News, 11/25/1895 TRINIDAD, Colo., Nov. 24.,--One of the largest funerals ever witnessed in this city was that of John Solomon, the murdered policeman, which took place this afternoon. The ceremony was conducted by the K. of P., and A. O. U. W., of both of which orders the deceased was a member. The procession was headed by the city band, followed by the police force of the city mounted. Next came the A. O. U. W. in a body of over 150, and then the K. of P., of 100 marchers, followed by the remains and a large concourse of friends. The interment took place in the Masonic cemetery, one mile from town.
STANTON, Mrs. Special to The News Rocky Mountain News, 7/18/1895 TWO FUNERALS GREELEY, Colo., July 17.--Two of Colorado's pioneers were laid to rest this afternoon in Lynn Grove cemetery. Knute Nelson, one of Colorado's forty-niners, who died Monday after an illness of over two years, was buried by Forest City lodge No. 14, A. O. U. W., of which he was a member, the funeral services being held in the First Presbyterian Church, Rev. W. G. Clark, pastor of the Baptist Church officiating. The funeral services of Mrs. Stanton, who came to Colorado in 1870, and departed this life early yesterday morning, were held at her late residence, 1013 9th Street, this afternoon at 2:30 o'clock.
STEHL, Charles TELLURIDE MINER KILLED Rocky Mountain News, 10/18/1895 Special to The News TELLURIDE, Colo., Oct. 17.--Charles Stehl, one of the best known miners in Telluride, was instantly killed at 4 o'clock this afternoon at the Cimarron mine, picking out a missed hole which exploded. He was terribly mangled about the head, face and breast. Stehl was 35 years of age and unmarried. The funeral will be tomorrow afternoon at the First Congregational Church.
STIDGER, Willis CALLED TO THE BAR Willis Stidger Died at 11:30 Last Night.
Coming to Colorado Early in the '80s He at Once Took a Prominent Part in Politics--A Man of Great Energy and Who Would Have Achieved a High Fame--One of the Staunchest of Friends--As a Speaker Ardent, Excitable and Convincing. Rocky Mountain News, 1/5/1895 Willis Stidger, the well known attorney, died at 11 o'clock last night from peritonitis, after an illness of less than a week. The deceased was one of the prominent workers in the Republican party for years past, and was highly esteemed by a large circle of friends for many sterling qualities. He leaves a wife and two children. The funeral will be held tomorrow afternoon, details of which will be announced tomorrow morning. The news of the death of Mr. Stidger cannot fail to fall with a shock upon many persons in all parts of Colorado who knew and admired the brilliant young lawyer. His life was confined to the narrow span of thirty-seven years and in the entire West there was not a more energetic young man. He was a born politician and had he lived would have achieved high rank in the part of his choice. Although he never held office himself he labored in season and out of season in behalf of his friends. To his brother, George, he was especially devoted. The sympathy that existed between the two brothers was one of the most noticeable traits in the character of both and was as rare as it was beautiful. In the sad departure of Willis Stidger, the Republican party loses one of its staunchest champions and the city of Denver loses one of its most promising attorneys. The deceased was successful at law in a marked degree and he had acquired a large and constantly growing practice. As a speaker he was ardent and excitable, but his words went straight to the point and seldom before a jury, failed to carry conviction. Willis Stidger was born in Keosouqua, IA., and was educated in the common schools of the state. He engaged in the newspaper business in connection with his brother, upon the Red Oak Record, and at the same time studied law and was admitted to the bar. Early in the eighties both brothers moved to Colorado, first residing at Boulder and later Denver.
STIDGER, Willis AT REST Funeral Services of the Late Willis Stidger. Rocky Mountain News, 1/7/1895 All that is mortal of Willis Stidger, the brilliant young lawyer, was laid at rest in Fairmount Cemetery yesterday afternoon. The funeral services were attended by a large concourse of friends, and many were the tears that were shed upon the new-made grave. In the crowd that gathered about the bier were those from every walk of life-rich and poor-people who had best known and truly loved the dead. Not a few were of those who had been befriended in their time of necessity by the deceased. Chancellor McDowell delivered the funeral sermon. He took for his text a beautiful stray poem, a favorite with the deceased, and entitled, "When I Am Dead." The services were held at the home, 1427 York Street. The pall-bearers were: I. N. Stevens, Earl Cranston, C. E. Herrington, J. A. C. Reynolds, James H. Blood and S. A. Osborn.
STROUSE, Louis LOUIS STROUSE DEAD. Special to The News Rocky Mountain News, 8/22/1895 GRAND JUNCTION, Colo.,--Aug. 21. Louis Strouse, son of Mr. and Mrs. M. Strouse, died shortly after noon today. He had been sick only a short time, but was taken with a hemorrhage of the stomach which caused his death. His remains will be shipped to Denver tonight and will be buried by the Hebrew Church from the Denver synagogue.
TAPPER, Lena/Loretta ASKED AFTER LENA TAPPER Denver Post, 1/10/1895 The Mayor has received the following letter relative to Lena Tapper. (see Demady, Richard). Currie, Minn, Jan 4, 1895 DEAR SIR--Having received information in a roundabout way that a person by the name of Loretta Tapper was recently murdered in your city. As I am a relative of hers I will ask you to kindly give me all the information in regard to the matter that you can. For any trouble or expense that you may be to in obtaining such information, I will remit to you promptly upon receipt of your answer. Yours truly, C. J. Lester
THOMPSON, J. S. J. S. THOMPSON PASSES AWAY Special to the News Rocky Mountain News, 1/4/1895 PUEBLO, Colo., Jan. 3.--Captain J. S. Thompson, a prominent paper and woodenware merchant of this city, died at 6 o'clock this morning at the age of 57 years. He had been in ill health for some time, but his condition did not become critical until last Wednesday. He was a native of Orange County, N. C. Before coming to Pueblo, twenty-one years ago, he made his home in Missouri and Mississippi for a number of years. During the war he served in the confederate army. He leaves a widow, a son and two daughters. The funeral will take place at 2 p.m. tomorrow under the auspices of the Elks and the A. O. U. W.
VANORSDALE, U. H. U. H. VANORSDALE DEAD Special to The News Rocky Mountain News, 1/8/1895 LAMAR, Colo., Jan. 7.--Hon. U. H. Vanordale, one of the best known citizens of Lamar, died suddenly last night of heart disease. The deceased came to Lamar, when the town was founded on May 24, 1886, and had since been prominently identified with its advancement. He was serving his sixth term as mayor when he was stricken down. His funeral will take place tomorrow under the auspices of the Mason, Woodmen, G. A. R. and fire department, in all of which organizations he was an active and honored member.
WALLACE, J. F. J. F. WALLACE IS DEAD Assistant Yardmaster of the Union Pacific Passes Away Rocky Mountain News, 12/31/1894 Assistant Yardmaster J. F. Wallace of the Union Pacific road in this city, died yesterday of typhoid fever after an illness of four weeks. Mr. Wallace was a man of powerful physique and his system yielded only after a third relapse and a prolonged fight for life. The deceased was a highly worthy citizen. He leaves an aged father and mother to whom he was the main dependence. The funeral will be in charge of the Odd Fellows, of which Mr. Wallace was a member.
WALROD, Frank C. (see article under: BITZER, Conrad C.)
WATSON, Dr. David S. MARRIAGES, BIRTHS, DEATHS Rocky Mountain News, 1/14/1895 WATSON--On Friday, January 11, 1895, at Telluride, Colo., Dr. David S. Watson, late of Richmond, Va. Though residing only a short time in Telluride, Dr. Watson had drawn about him a host of friends and had begun to do a lucrative practice. His friends and relatives in Virginia will feel comfort in knowing that in his last hours he was surrounded by loving friends who ministered to all his wants. The remains, which were sent to Richmond, Va., were looked after in Denver by his nephew, Dr. George W. Archer, Edwin W. Hoff, J. W. Brauer and Walter Bourne.
WEILE, Peter DETERMINED SUICIDE. Man Whose Efforts with a Knife Failed Takes His Life with a Gun. Special to the News Rocky Mntn News, 10/13/1895 GREELEY, Colo., Oct.12 --Peter Weile, the man who cut his throat about three weeks ago and who has been in the county hospital until last Saturday, finished up the job originally undertaken by shooting himself with a pistol. Frank Evans, claiming to hail from Buena Vista, had gone into the brush near the railroad bridge near Evans for the purpose of cooking a meal, and running out of wood he walked around the brush and stumbled upon the body. Evans promptly gave the alarm and Coroner Macy at once went to the scene, but the cause of death being so evident he decided that an inquest was unnecessary. Weile was last seen in Evans Saturday last, when he purchased a cheap revolver from George H. Young and was seen to take the railroad track toward the south. From the appearance of the body it is evident that the man had been dead several days. Weile while in the county court during an examination as to his sanity started that his home was at Lansing, Mich., where his friends reside.
WESTFIELD, Charles A LOST CHILD Rocky Mountain News, 1/4/1895 TRINIDAD, Colo., Jan. 4.--Late tonight this city was thrown into a fever of excitement by the report that the 6-year-old son of Henry Westfield was lost. The fire alarm was sounded continuously for several hours, which was the means of calling together a large number of citizens, who were organized into searching parties and started to look for the missing boy. The boy is a remarkably bright child and had been visiting his grandmother on the South Side, and was last seen about 4 o'clock this afternoon near Wotton's Lake, which is now being dragged by one of the parties. At midnight not the slightest trace or clue of any kind had been discovered of his whereabouts. 2:30 A. M.--the body of Charles Westfield, who was reported lost, was found at 1 o'clock this morning in Wotton Lake, where he evidently had been skating and broke thought the ice and drowned. An inquest is now being held by Coroner Sipe over the remains.
WORRICK, O. P. (Mrs.). DIED VERY SUDDENLY Special to The News Rocky Mountain News, 1/8/1895 BOULDER, Colo., Jan. 7.-- Hon. Guy Fairhurst came to town from Magnolia, a mining camp eight miles east of this city, bringing the intelligence to Mr. & Mrs. George Lytle that their daughter, Mrs. O. P. Worrick, died suddenly this morning. Yesterday she did her housework, but in the evening she was taken with an acute attack of la grippe. Dr. Coman was called and remained with her until she died. Mr. Lytle left for Magnolia at 11 o'clock this morning.