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Microsoft FrontPage 2000 Server Extensions Resource Kit

Advanced Administrative Tasks

Setting Up E-mail Options on UNIX

Authors using the Microsoft® FrontPage® client program can configure a form so that its contents are sent as an e-mail message. To support sending e-mail from a Web server, an administrator must configure the server extensions to deliver the e-mail to an e-mail transport.

You specify e-mail settings in the FrontPage Server Extensions configuration file, which is /usr/local/frontpage/version4.0/frontpg.cnf by default.

FrontPage supplies five configuration variables for setting up your e-mail transport: SMTPHost, SendMailCommand, MailSender, MailCharSet, and MailEncoding. You set either SMTPHost or SendmailCommand, but not both.

The following table describes how to set these parameters:


Variable Definition Sample values
SMTPHost The name or IP address of a host running an SMTP server or daemon, such as sendmail on UNIX. When a site visitor submits a form whose results are to be sent via e-mail, the server extensions connect to the SMTP server to deliver the mail. By default FrontPage assumes the server is listening on port 25 (the standard for SMTP), but you can override this by appending :xx to the name, where xx is the port to use.,


SendMailCommand The name of a program on the server machine to which e-mail should be piped. Typically this will be sendmail on UNIX, but it could be any program. If both SendMailCommand and SMTPHost are set, SendmailCommand takes priority.

When the FrontPage Server Extensions receive a form processed as an e-mail message, the server extensions invoke the command, replacing all occurrences of %r with the recipient of the mail. The percent character (%) followed by any other character is replaced by that character.

The mail message is passed to the command as standard input..

/usr/lib/sendmail %r
MailSender The name to use as the "from" account when sending e-mail. Specifically, it is used as the argument to the SEND FROM: command in SMTP. The default for SMTP is user@host, where user is the current user account and host is the current host name.
MailCharSet To override the character set attribute of the content-type header, enter the character set here.  
MailEncoding Use to override the content transfer encoding attribute of the content-type header. You might change from one encoding scheme to another if you know that an e-mail recipient uses a different encoding scheme and cannot interpret your messages.  



  Last Updated June 1999
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