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Fpsrvadm Command-Line Arguments

The Fpsrvadm command-line arguments are listed below.




Sample values
-port -p A port number An integer, such as 80, or a virtual server name followed by an integer, such as

For IIS 4.0 Web servers and later, you can use
-m InstanceNumber instead of
-m HostName -p nnnn

-web -w A FrontPage-extended web name The URL of a directory, relative to the root of the content area, such as /mydirectory
-type -t A Web server type On UNIX:
apache, apache-fp (Apache with FrontPage patch), ncsa, netscape-enterprise, netscape-fasttrack, stronghold

On Windows:
frontpage, msiis (Microsoft Internet Information Services), mspws (Microsoft Personal Web Server), netscape-fasttrack, netscape-enterprise, website

-servconfig -s A Web server configuration file A full pathname, such as /usr/local/apache/conf/httpd.conf
-multihost -m A virtual server's name or IP address.

On IIS 4.0 Web servers and later, this argument is used to specify an instance number.

An IP address or full WWW host name, as in, or

On IIS 4.0 and later, an instance number, such as /LM/W3SVC/10.

The empty string "" signifies that the server is not multi-hosted.

-username -u A user name On IIS, this value must be either a Windows NT user account name or a Windows NT group name, and can be qualified with a domain name, for example domain\username.

On UNIX and other non-IIS servers, this is a new or existing user name in the Web server’s access list. You should not use a UNIX user name for this value because it could be easily guessed.

-password -pw A password A password string, such as 124Xyz. This value is not needed on IIS servers.
-ipaddress -i An IP address An IP address, such as
-access -a The level of access being granted One of the following values:

administrators, authors, users, remove.

Specifying remove removes all access for the account.

-destination -d A URL of a file or folder in a FrontPage-extended web

For the Putfile and Recalcfile commands, a URL relative to the top-level directory of the web, such as

For the Setdirexec and Setdirnoexec commands, a folder URL relative to the top-level directory of the web, such as /mydirectory/newfolder.

For the Rename command, a URL, relative to the root web, such as /newsubweb.

-filename -f A file name A full path and file name, such as C:\Myfiles\Filename.htm
-xUser -xu A UNIX user account-name (this must be an existing account) A UNIX user account name.
-xGroup -xg A UNIX group account-name (this must be an existing account) A UNIX group account name, such as "www."
-noChownContent Yes -n yes Specifies that only the contents of _vti* directories, and not users' content, is to be chowned. None.


  Last Updated June 1999
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